
Thursday, February 10, 2011

NOTD: OPI Who the Shrek Are You?

Well, Hello! If you noticed from the tittle, this post is going to be on OPI Who the Shrek Are You? polish. I know, I know. Kind of late on this one, right? But I am trying to show you guys ALL the nail polishes that I own slowly, and I just happened to be wearing this one. My swatches still need major improvement, but as a poor university student, I can't really offord to buy a good camera. Maybe soon. So for the mean time, I am going to be using what crappy camera I have. Oh well. So anyways, onto the swatches! Hyaa~

Here is the awesomeness that is this nail polish!

Color: A little hard to describe, but its a mix of a bright spring green with a pea soup green. It has an element of each. So It is quite unique. I have bright greens and pea soup greens, but I really prefer this color. Its quite eye-catching, and a fun color for the upcoming spring. I've still seen this in some store, so if you don't own it, check it out.
Finish: Creme. Shiny. Very nice indeed.
Formula: I have 2 coats on. I find that 1 coat looks patchy, but 2 coats is just perfect!
Price: Standard OPI price, $8.50 I think. O_o" I can't remember. And I own a lot of OPI...

Good Luck with all you nail polish adventures ^_^
<3 Yami~

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