
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Quick Update and The Upcoming

Hey guys! I hope you are all doing well and are having marvelous makeup experiences. I am currently bombarded with school material and I have finals next week :( I am rushing through all the things I need to do, and I am hoping my finals will show me some mercy. I will not be posting much in the next week, since my priority is school, but I am hope to post some reviews tomorrow and on the weekend.

I will be posting a review of Tokidoki's Robbery palette tomorrow.
Then I might post a haul, and review of some products I currently bought.

Some exciting news, which of I will do a separate post during my spring break. I made two pretty big orders on Shiro Cosmetics, which is this amazing store on Etsy that sell Pokemon and Zelda inspired pigments. I should get them, hopefully, during my spring break. I am really excited to see them and use them.

Another awesome purchase was the purchases I made from Fyrinnae [I think their website is closed at the moment, too many orders perhaps?]! I am super duper excited for this! I wanted to make this order about 2 weeks ago, but their website was down due to one of the staff being gone. There is currently only one person managing the orders, so they close their website to slow down the flow of orders. I managed to make an order a couple days ago, and I am glad I did. They seem to have closed their website down again. This will take a while to arrive, but whenever it does I am excited to show you!

I finally received my order of Rock & Republic as well! Swatching time!

The last exciting thing is that I will be purchasing a new camera in two weeks, so I will b able to show you guys better quality pictures! I am also going to San Francisco and a coupe other places during spring break so I will have pictures and some hauls to post~

Thank you all for reading, and I will be back as soon as possible!



  1. Oohh I can't wait for the R&R swatches and the Shiro haul to be posted :D

    Yeah, Dior products are pricey :(
    I need to save up for a while too...

    Good luck with your finals sweets and hopefully we will see you soon with the upcoming posts you have!

  2. Hey Hun,
    No, I actually haven't heard of them.. I'm trying to get to their website but as you said, I think their website is down at the moment. What is the concept and what kind of cosmetics do they sell?

  3. I really like the sounds of them being Vegan and I'm really interested to see the Pixie Epoxy in your next post. That's really interesting.. I dont like to work with pigments just because they seem harder to handle than pressed shadows.
    I really want to check out their mineral foundations and highlighters. Hopefully their website gets back up and running. Are their products affordable?


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