
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Review: Jesse's Girl Mood Lipstick

Hello amigos! I am finally done with finals, so I am free to post to my heart's content!
I wanted to write about something a little fun today. I happened to be wearing this lipstick the other day, and I woke up the next morning and it was still on my lips! So I thought "why not do a review on this lipstick?" So that is exactly what I will do. This lipstick is of course Jesse's Girl Mood Lipstick in 'Crush.' Have you guys seen these before? I bought mine at Rite Aid, and they are like $2, so I bough one just because I was curious on what they were.
'Crush' looks like a bright orange color, but it applies like a light coral. These are like lips stains, so after about a minute or so, the light coral turns brighter. On me, it turns to a light, orange based red color. Its great because it looks very natural, almost like if you had been outside on a winter night and your lips turned red from the bitter cold. These are great on their own, or under red lipsticks.
Tip: If you apply a redish lip stain under a red lipstick, the red lipstick will last longer on your lips. You might still want to apply lip liner though. But this works great for me.

This is what it looked like after a whole day[24 hrs] of wear. Up close it looks like just my bare lips, but from further away, it looks more red. It looks very natural, as you can see.

See? It looks more red. It is very similar to my Tokidoki Gelato Lip Balm Stain in 'Donutelle.' I was actually wearing that one before the Jesse's Girl lipstick. And they are pretty similar.
The only difference is that 'Donutella' is less red and slightly more coral. Also the Tokidoki one is more moisturizing, since it is a lip balm as well as a stain.
The Jesse's Girl lipsticks can be slightly drying, and you will have to apply a chap stick over it occasionally.

~Lasts on lips for a very long time [Although on my friend it does not last as long]
~Fun colors
~Different than traditional lipsticks
~Drying on lips
~Very cheap looking
~Can break easily if you drop it [My friend's broke when she dropped hers]

 I really like this, although I prefer the Tokidoki lip balm/stain over this. I tried my friends lipstick, she got the blue colored lipstick.

But, it was essentially the same color as 'Crush' on my lips. 

I would like to review more of the Jesse's Girl products, since they are super cheap, and you can buy their products online. I have discovered that this brand actually has really good products. Let me know if you guys want to see more of their products ^_^
Thank you so much for reading!



  1. I haven't tried this one before but I'm curious about mood lippies ahahah! ^_^ It look gorgeous on your lips btw. =)

  2. Oooh love that lippie shade on u sweetie!

  3. Such a cute idea! That shade suits you alot. Very pretty and natural.


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