
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

EOTD: Simple Pop Of Color Using Fyrinnae 'Wicked'

Do you guys ever get those days where you don't feel  like putting much eyeshadow on, or you are running late and cannot spare the time to do complex looks? Well I get those day a lot! It is kind of ironic too, because I own so many eyeshadows! But I have a solution. Of course, there are many solutions to a problem like this, and this is one of MY ways of solving it.

Firstly, I usually do my eye makeup last. Last? Yes you heard right. My makeup routine goes like this: foundation/concealer, blush, lips, and then last is the eyes. I will always apply mascara, no matter what. And usually I always apply liquid eyeliner. Whether I apply eyeshadow or not depends on how much time I have. Or I will not apply any if I am doing a bold lip or cheek. That is pretty important for everyday wear, so keep it in mind. *Don't overdo your makeup!* Unless you need it for work...which does not apply to most people. I mean, everyone has the right to do whatever they want, that is the freedom that makeup offers, but doing extreme eyes, lips, and cheeks might make you look like a street walker...hehe ;)

So for those days when I do not have time or do not feel like wearing much on my eyes, but I still want to use my eyeshadows, I go for the simple lower lash line liner. Here is the look:
[Warning: I have been wearing this for 8 hours prior to photographing, with no touch ups!]

Okay, so as you can see I have a simple black liquid liner at the top and Fyrinnae 'Wicked' eyeshadow on the lower lash line. I guess you can call this the "double liner" look. But this is not as winged as my previous "double liner" look. I love doing this look because it is so easy. And you can interchange it with any color you want. You can do this all the time with different colors, and you can also apply a different color on the inner corners to give this look a twist.
Ahh! My eye looks scary here! It looks like the evil eye~

This technique is great for people who want to use bold colors, but don't want something overwhelming. It takes like 10 seconds to do and is seriously super easy. I will do some other looks using this technique. One is coming soon, but its more of a FOTD.

Thanks for reading! Have a great week!

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