
Friday, April 1, 2011

More Ramen. Yum Yum.

More yummy ramen to show. I seriously am in love with this place! If you guys haven't seen my previous post about this ramen place in Sacramento, CA, check it out 'HERE!'
 This what the place looks like. It is suuuuper small. But very cozy and homey.

 Mmmm. This is the Soy Milk Ramen with wheat noodles. Super yummy.
 My brother got the Shoyu Ramen, which is the soy sauce based broth one, with an egg.
 My friend also got the Shoyu. Looks so gooood.
Ah, but then I ate some instant ramen and it is not the same. Although I try to make it better by adding shrimp and green onions, or sometimes I add mushrooms.

I am seriously addicted to Ramen. -Sigh-


  1. Oh my! That looks so good!!! I was JUST in Sacramento last weekend but didnt get a chance to try it out! I love ramen too!!

  2. Ahhh you're killing me~ looks so good!

  3. The prawn one looks nice!

  4. the prawn one looks delicious! :) i am however super allergic to crustaceans and eating them will send me to the hospital in less than an hour LOL! xD


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