
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Essie 'Demure Vixen'

Hi lovelies!
If you are a huge nail polish junkie like me, then you know how hard it is to only have a few nail polishes. I always say to myself "Okay, no more nail polishes!', and then like 50 seconds later, I am buying a new polish >_<
I have an uncontrollable monster that desires vasts amounts of nail polish!
Anyways, although I own a pretty good amount of nail polishes, I do have a select few that are my absolute favorites and that I would definitely purchase again [some I can't, since they discontinued].

 Essie's 'Demure Vixen'! I started with this particular polish because its a very wearable color and its in a color range that most people could wear. It is a beautiful dusty mauve pink with a very subtle purple sheen. The base color is not the most unique color, but the purple sheen is what makes this polish stand out from the rest. Also, the formula is easy to work with. Although one coat is sheer, it is a nice kind of sheer; it gives the nails a nice flush of color. On me though, I don't like how one coat looks. My nails are a bit yellow, so one coat does not totally eliminate the yellowness. I prefer two coats on my nails, it gives the nail coverage but retains a bit of the sheerness. Three coats would be best if you want a really opaque finish. 

Price and Availability
Essie polishes retail for $8, but you can find them in some online retailers for a fraction of the cost. I bought mine at the Beauty Clutch website.

Here are some pictures: Click on the Images to Enlarge them and to see the nail polish better!
[Oh and excuse the fact that I got some indentations on my nails. I was impatient and ruined the polish before it dried.] I am wearing two coats and not top coat.

Here you can see the subtle purple shimmer. Click on the image!
Thanks for reading!


  1. Oh wow, this is so pretty, I love hint of purple sheen it has. Man, I wish Essie was easier to get hold of in the UK.

  2. That is such a pretty shade. I love the sheen it has on it :)


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