
Friday, May 6, 2011

Review: NYX Lip Pencils

Hi Lovelies ♥

It's kind of odd. I love lipsticks, and yet I hardly own any lip liners. I think I owned two, and only because my mom gave them to me. But, I recently bought some NYX products, and along with those I purchased three lip liners. I received one for free as a gift with purchase. So I have a total of four lip liners to show you.

Price: $3.50 each, available at Ulta, Cherry Culture, and many other stores.
[Cherry Culture is having a 50% sale on NYX so if you want some, now is the time]

Product Review:
So far, so good. The colors are great, they apply nicely, and best of all, they are really affordable. The only one I have a hard time to apply is 'Coral'. 'Coral' is just a lighter orange color, so it is hard to apply it opaquely. The best one, in my opinion, is 'Burgundy.' That one applied the easiest and the most opaque. Color wise, Dolly Pink is my favorite; it is a gorgeous pink that has a hint of lavender to it.

[L to R]: Coral, Purple Rain, Dolly Pink, Burgundy

[L to R]: Coral, Purple Rain, Dolly Pink, Burgundy 

Swatches [On the back of my hand]
[Top to Bottom]: Coral, Purple Rain, Dolly Pink, Burgundy

 What do you think? Would you give these a try?


  1. I want to try Dolly Pink too! The pink is so gorgeous!

  2. *:--☆--:*:--☆:*:--☆--:*:--☆--:*:--☆--:*:--☆:*:--☆--:*:--☆--:*:--☆--:*:--☆

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  3. i need these! haha! i don't have any lip liners or pencils ATM. :/

  4. I don't always use lip liners, but when I do I go for the NYX ones - I think they're awesome. My favourite is Citrine, a shimmery pink that goes well with a lot of pinky-nude lipsticks I have.

  5. I can honestly say I never use lip liner, but those colors are nice, but more importantly... what nail polish are you wearing in the second picture?! I love it!


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