
Friday, May 27, 2011

Review: Shiro Cosmetics Super Effective Collection

Okay first of all, this is called the 'Super Effective' Collection! What part of that is not awesome? At the sound of the name, I was all over these eye shadows!
If you are similar to me, Pokemon brings back memories of action packed episodes, trading cards, and possibly some mental issues. Ah, the nostalgia!
But you have to admit, even if you didn't like Pokemon, that eyeshadows based on Pokemon is pretty awesome. It is a rather original idea, and I haven't seen anything like it in my entire life!

~Awesome packaging! So cute and nerdy at the same time ♥ Love
~Colors are unique and very different from your usual colors. Definitely not your Granny's makeup.
~The colors are based and named after certain Pokemon
~Owner of Shiro Cosmetics is really friendly!
~Free samples with order ;D
~The sifters are really annoying, not much product comes out, so I had to take the sifter off
~Team Rocket might try to steal them D:<

Price and Availability:
You can purchase these on the Shiro Cosmetics website.
Sample- $1
Mini- $
Full Size- $5

Colors I Purchased (All Full Sized)  and Color Description from Shiro Cosmetics Website
"Dark purple-black with red glitter" 
"Vivid opaque bright purple with shimmery blue undertones"
"Dusky, shimmery, semi-sheer blue with a violet tinge" 
~Lance the Dragon Trainer 
"Deep, rich, shimmering indigo with golden sparks glitter"
"Sheer, shimmery, medium purple with blue tones" 
"Medium purple with bold green shimmer and lime glitter"
"Soft yet bright shimmery orange, with yellow undertones and just a hint of gold" 
"Rich, opaque brown with strong silver-gray shimmer"
 "Shimmering cream with coppery shimmer"
"Pale, cream-gold tangerine, loaded with red eye-safe glitter"
I love the description for 'Zubat' and 'Golem' on the Shiro Cosmetics website:

"I hate Zubat. You're just trying to make your way through the crazy-long cave, and your Pokemon are at half-health and poisoned, and you still have a couple more trainers to go but the exit is almost in sight, and you know you can make it! But then a wild Zubat appears and uses Supersonic and you can't escape and AUGH I HATE YOU ZUBAT"

"When I was a nerdy little 8-year-old, I suggested that our geography class nickname ourselves "The Geo-Dudes." No wonder I got beat up all the time."

Packaging <3

 Like I mentioned above, the only bad thing I have to say for the packaging is the sifters. I can't get much product out with the sifter on, so I had to remove the sifter. Problem solved.

Gengar and Rattata
Gengar and Rattata on the left; Zubat and Lance the DT on the right
My favorite colors out the bunch are: Rattata and Lance the Dragon Trainer
Lance the Dragon Trainer
All of these colors are really unique. Lance the Dragon Trainer, for example, is a gorgeous purple toned blue with tons of shimmer, as well as some yellow glitter. It is really cool. I think I also like it a lot because Lance was such an awesome character, he was like the most badass trainer Ever! And he had a cool cape and flew around with his Dragonite. Okay I'm going to shut up now, I am starting to feel like a huge nerd.

Which Pokemon would you like to catch? 


  1. Oh no! Now I wish I'd bought full sized for those awesome lids :(

    Shiro is the best. And I JUST reviewed their stuff too! Great minds thinking alike, obviously.

  2. OMG!! I am so getting this! I love Pokemon even now! Lance is so pretty! Haha!

    LOL hardcore @ Cons: Team Rocket will try to steal them!!! I want my hair to be pink and spiky like Jessie's!!

  4. OMG!!!!! Pokemon! I looveeee them!
    It's so cute~~~
    waaaa~~~ I want it >_<

  5. I laughed out loud when I read that a con is that Team Rocket might try to steal them. d:

  6. the pigmentation is amazing and the packaging is soooo cute! gotta get 'em all i suppose? LOL! x)

  7. OMG~!!!! a pokeball! hahahaha...where is mew? >________< I couldn't find mew! but oh well...meowth is not that bad though <3 thanks for posting this :D

  8. woooowww those shadows look super pigmented! i heart the yellow--charmander :))

  9. Are you kidding? I want to catch them all!! LOL! Those are super awesome!! Bookmarking page and adding to my drool list

  10. Have seen a few blog posts lately about Shiro, and now that I've seen the lids? Done. Heading there now!

  11. OH.MY.GOSH :O

    *delayed reaction as i go through all your blog posts*

    This is .. like, the bestestestestsest thing EVER. x10000000

    -Nerd alert-

    *adds to christmas wishlist*

    Thanks for doing this blog post~ :)
    THe colours look great!! ^^


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