
Monday, May 16, 2011

System of a Down Concert :D

Hi guys! I had so much fun this weekend, and I am now in so much pain from moshing,jumping,and also from insanity! My ears are also ringing :/

But the System of a Down concert was so awesome!!  Here are some pics and the opening song that they played. The video is shaky cause my brother was jumping and head banging, haha. And also, I was not able to take my camera in because it was a "professional" camera, and those are not allowed. So stupid...

Opening band called 'Gogol Bordello'.
 The opening band was actually really entertaining. I really liked them. They were like a gypsy, punk band with some Latin American influences.Sounds odd, but it was very up beat and fun :D
Before the SOAD show
When preparing the stage for System of a Down, they put this huge curtain to block the view of the stage. Notice that a lot of people are not even at the show yet, but trust me, it was completely full once SOAD started playing.

Where the hell did the glasses come from? Who knows...
 Haha, these pictures make me laugh. I was with My brother [on the right] and with a very silly friend [on the left]. We were waiting for SOAD to play, and we decided to take some pics.

Before the show, my brother and my friend were drinking some beers, but I guess they didn't allow drinks in the parking lot, and there was a lot of cops confiscating alcohol. My brother's reaction:
"A wild cop appeared! 
Yami and friends fainted. They rushed to the nearest liquor store to restore their alcohol supply."
Lol, if you didn't catch it, this is Pokemon inspired.

This is the opening song for SOAD. They played 'Prison Song' from the 'Toxicity' album. They began the show by turning all the lights off, and the video starts just after they turned the lights off. Everyone went insane when the lights went off; shouts and screams were heard from every single person there, including myself.

I loved them live! It was really amazing. SOAD has been my favorite band for a long time, and I remember listening to them since I was in Elementary school. It has been my dream to see them live and finally my dream has been realized. I hope to see them again, and this time with me sitting in the front row...
[Insert: Drool] Maybe that will never happen, but a girl can dream. Hope you guys enjoy this non-beauty related post.


  1. Super effective!! LOLZ
    ZOMG I love them live, and I love that song! Was that at Shoreline? Lucky for you it wasn't raining! I saw Weezer there and it POURED the entire time. Ugh. Rammstein on Wednesday! Woot!

  2. i love SOAD since I am 11 or 12... this is 9-10 years ago and I am seeing them in 2 weeks at rock am ring for the first time ever and i am sooooooooooooooo excited!!!! :D

    are they good live? i mean... i just saw some videos from concert which were 6-7 years ago and serj voice wasn't that good.. i don't want to be disappointed... :D

  3. Awww looks like you had alot of fun! :D
    I dont like it when my ears ring after hesring loud music for a long time..
    I like your hair btw :)


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