
Friday, June 3, 2011

EOTD: Lime Crime 'Medusa' and 'Siren' #2

Look #2 for the Lime Crime 'Medusa' and 'Siren' shadows~
This is pretty much the exact same look as the last, except I reversed the colors around. This is to show you guys how different a look can be by merely switching colors around!You can use the same technique and the same colors, the only difference in the placement of the colors. But you will see what I mean when you see the pictures!

If you haven't seen the first look, and are wondering exactly what products I used and how I achieved this look go to the EOTD #1~

Here is the look: [Lots of pictures]

The only difference between the two looks is that I applied 'Siren' on the lid and "Medusa' on the lower lash line. That is it ^_^ 

Which of the two looks do you like better?

*All products used were purchased with my own money except for the lashes which were provided by KKCEnterhk


  1. I liked your EOTD #!, but I LOVE this one =D

  2. OMG this is so sexy and amazing. ITA with Dinah ^! This one is even better than the first.

  3. Oh, this is like a painting!!!

  4. Siren looks like such a pretty color! It's such a vibrant red (:

  5. i love this look! the first one was bold but i like this one better because i think the red looks amazing on your eyelids dear! :) it's just so pretty!

  6. but it looks so good on you! haha! remember makeup has no rules. whatever works for you and is beautiful should be fine! :)

  7. yup! only one store carries it and all the gorgeous colors always get out of stock haha! but i guess i can order it online. :D

  8. i LOVE this look! much better, it's amazing...i like literally gasped out loud, love it :D very dramatic and gorgeous


  9. Not sure if my comment went through? lol

    This looks hot!


Thank you for taking the time to comment <3 I appreciate every single comment I receive ^_^