
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Chanel/YSL Haul + First Impression

Along with my Illamasqua haul, I also did a bit of shopping at Nordstrom.
I am going to be really honest with you guys and tell you that I do not particularly like Nordstrom, and the only reason I shop there is because it is the closest store that carries Chanel, YSL, Estee Lauder...basically high end brands. It is also rare for me to buy Chanel or YSL products because they are soooo expensive and I will have to save my money in order to justify paying that much for makeup. So I had saved some money and here is what I purchased: (My poor wallet is suffering T_T )

As always, I will have separate, more in depth reviews for each of these products once I have used them long enough to be able to review them.

1.YSL Creme De Blush #1 and #5. 
I have wanted to try out these creme blushes for a long time, so I saved up to buy two of them.
Besides these two, I only own one other YSL product: a lipstick. The packaging on these is GORGEOUS! It is really luxurious~ These smell really good, like a rose/watermelon scent. But not everyone will like the smell. The amount of product to the size of the jar is rather small, I was a little disappointed in that. The best thing about this blush is the texture: it is incredibly smooth and velvety! But, I find that these are rather sheer, and if you want to build up the color, you will use up quite a bit of product.
YSL Creme De Blush #1 (velvety peach) and #5 (fuchsia temptation)

 2. Chanel 'Peridot' Polish
The only times I have ever purchased a Chanel polish is when they release a color that is really unique. This color is really awesome! It is a gold/green duo chrome that is actually really pigmented. 1 or 2 coats will deliver opaque coverage that is not streaky. This has an awesome metallic finish that will be perfect for the fall.
Chanel 'Peridot' Polsih
 3. YSL 'Utopian Turquoise' Polish
First of all, look at that bottle! It is soo pretty~~ Ah, they know my weakness! The bottle is so cool. And I really like the blue color. I really love this shade of blue, so I thought it was the best time to try out a YSL polish. This is a creme with a semi-opaque coverage. 2 coats seem enough to give a decent coverage.
YSL 'Utopian Turquoise' Polish
Within the week, I will post swatches of the two polishes since they are both limited edition. I am sure you guys have all seen Peridot already,since it as been hyped about lately. But either ways, I want you guys to see it in case you are pondering purchasing any of these products. I hope you are enjoying these first impression posts, rather than a more simple haul post.

ALSO! I would love it if you guys could take the poll that is located on the upper right hand side of my blog ------>
It will help me out, and of course I want to give a voice to all of you who are the ones who read my blog!
Thank you <3


  1. Oh wow hun! Great haul. I also voted. =)

  2. Oh my goodness~ you got the Peridot polish! *_* I almost purchased that one the last time I was at Nordstrom, but refrained. T_T I really want it though..ahh..

    Looking forward to your reviews!!! :D

  3. @D.Sadie:
    Thanks! I really appreciate it~
    @Tiffyama: I almost didn't buy it either, but my inner demon could not be suppressed! Besides, i do not usually like Chanel polishes, so this was a great find!

  4. OOH the peridot polish looks gorgeous!
    I too hardly have tried to purchase YSL or Chanel products LOL
    the things i do want to try from them are YSL Faux Cils *which is 30$ mind you* and some of Chanel's blushes because they are so pretty and smell good :)

  5. @Sofiamichelle: I have tried a sample of the mascara and I really liked it...but $30...meh. The blushes are gorgeous, but those are $40..back to saving!

  6. Oh, that Chanel polish! Can't wait to see it in an upcoming NOTD. (:

  7. Oh my goodness. I want those YSL blushes!! Voted~

  8. Awesome item! I only have one lipstick and perfume from YSL right now, and a couple of things from CHANEL. I want more, but later.

  9. I love Peridot! It looks so unique!
    And nice review of the creme blushes! I've never bought any but was always wondering how they were!

  10. ooooh didn't know YSL had those creme blushes! can't wait to see how they look on you. and I've been wanting to get Chanel Peridot for a long time. Looks so unique, i might actually not have something similar for once hahaha

  11. That pink blush looks so pretty! And how awesome is Peridot! Can't wait for your NOTD. :D

  12. Love the peridot! Can't wait to see how it turns out for you :)

  13. I voted youu already :D

    btw that ysl fuschia is soo cute! omigodd i really waant it, the color is soo cute >.<

  14. Love the polishes you bought. I'm still debating about spending that much money for peridot too.

  15. LOL I had to get first Chanel!!

  16. Yami, this is an awesome haul. It's nice to splurge on stuff we love once in a while :) and those YSL cream blushes looks so pretty like wow. The colors looks amazing! I can't wait for swatches.

  17. i love the chanel peridot polish! such a lovely color!

  18. everything is sooooo pretty! :) can't wait for you to review and use the items dear. ^__^

  19. niceee stuff! I got nothing from YSL but I always love their lipstick packaging!


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