
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

OPI 'Moving Out' Vs Clarins '230'

The infamous Clarins 230, or as other like to call it, Unicorn Pee. I could imagine that Unicorn Pee would be  something like the Clarins 230. Or maybe they have some Unicorns in a shed and they make them drink water all day and bottle up their pee and sell it to the black market and it eventually gets into the hands of people like me. O_o"
Clarins 230  is so difficult to get and it does not come cheap. But what if I told you that there is a a similar polish out there, and that I am giving one away? What would you say? "F*** yeah!" better be your response.;D (Giveaway is closed! Winner has been selected. Congrats!)

That some-what-close-dupe is none other than OPI's 'Movin Out'.

After using both polishes with different bases, I came to the conclusion that Movin Out is a very close dupe, but not a dead on dupe. They both have the same duo chrome shimmers, but they have different colored bases. Clarins 230 has a sheer, dark purple, jelly base while Movin Out has a sheer, frosty pinky-purple base.
You will see from the swatches.

*Both products were swatched over OPI 'Ogre-the-Top Blue'

In this lighting, you can see that both have reddish pink shimmers. It is more obvious in the 230 because the base is darker and Moving Out has a  frosty pink-purple base that competes with the shimmers.

Here you can see the difference in the base colors.

Sorry for the blurry pic. It is hard to capture the different colors.

In this lighting, both polishes have golden shimmers. Again, it is more obvious in the 230 because of the base color.
This picture is really blurry, but it was the only way I could capture the green tones of this polish. Again, the 230 has the most obvious green tone, but Movin Out also has it.

What did we learn? That Movin Out is close, but not a bullseye. Still, it is a gorgeous polish that will tame the lemming for a Clarins 230 just slightly.


  1. Hi from Spain!!

    My fav super hero is WONDER WOMAN of course ;D

    GFC name: bambaki83
    Email: mimica69(at)hotmail(dot)com


  2. I follow you via GFC: Michelle G

    I am going to have to say The Incredible Hulk because he was so misunderstood and he didn't know how to express himself. People formed judgement about him without actually knowing what was going on.


    Thank you for the chance at this giveaway.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. THANK YOU:)!!!
    gfc emmybear411
    fave supehero: Superman<3

  5. I like Superman!

    cheercfa07 at aol dot com

  6. I follow via GFC!


  7. Is it weird I love Robin? I don't know why... I just do!


  8. I hv follow you as jessnghc.
    my super hero is superman of course~


  9. Thank you everyone for entering :D


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