
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

MAC Collection: Colorful Pan Eyeshadows

Here is part 2 of my MAC pan eyeshadow collection~ Part 1, which is my neutral palette, is HERE~

I distinguish the MAC palette with all my colorful shadows because it has My Melody on the cover. Again, this just saves me some time every time I use my palettes.

Here are the eyeshadows I have in this palette:
Closer Look...

Pinks, Yellows, Greens, and Blues

Swatches of first row in order:
 Passionate is a matte, and slightly brighter version of Sushi Flower. It terms of wearability, I prefer Sushi Flower. But I like both ;D
Chrome Yellow, although pretty, is a pain to work with. You have to build up the color a lot in order for it to show up. Unless you are a die hard  MAC fanatic, I would say skip this one.
Gold Mine is pigmented, smooth and super pretty!

Second Row:
Supmtuous Olive (second from the left) look a little washed out. It is slightly more green.
Humid is a gorgeous, pigmented, and smooth eyeshadow. A must-have permanent color!
Sumptuous Olive has a very similar formula to Humid, and I would say this is also a great color to own.
Electric Eel is a matte, bright sky blue. It is very pigmented and I simply adore how it looks. 
Deep Truth is a shimmery navy blue. It is a really nice shadow, but it can be a little hard to blend sometimes.

Purples (Beautiful~)

First Row Swatches:
 As you can see Purple Haze sucks. It is a matte, but it has no pigmentation. I tried to get it to show up, but to no avail. The other two swatched nicely. Purple Haze has been a huge disappointment :/
Nocturnelle reminds me of a purple version of MAC Cranberry, since it is a cranberry toned purple. 
Satellite Dreams is similar to Nocturelle just without the cranberry undertones and slightly darker. They both have great formulas.

Second Row (my favorites):
I <3333333333 these two colors. Parfait Amour is probably my favorite permanent MAC e/s! It is a iridescent purple with pink shimmer.  
Beauty Marked, although a little hard to work with, is also a fantastic color. Beauty Marked is the closest permanent MAC dupe to MAC Young Punk e/s. 

Idol Eyes, in the pan, isn't all that impressive. It actually swatches a little chunky and glittery. But once it is blended out, it is a really pretty silver lilac with gold shimmer.
Vex is another of my favorites. Its is a sheer silver/green/pink/purple multi-chrome shadow.

Top 5 I recommend:
2.Parfait Amour
3.Beauty Marked
5.Idol Eyes

You Should Skip:
1.Purple Haze!!
2.Chrome Yellow (I think there are better yellows out there)

Sneak Peek EOTD 
I only used shadows from this palette.
*My eyes have been a little irritated and I want to let them rest a little, so excuse my lack of EOTD posts.

I hope this is helpful to you guys :D Thank you for reading and thank you all for commenting~
What is your favorite MAC eyeshadow (non-neutral)? What is your favorite color from this post?


  1. such a beaauuutiful eye look!!! I think this is my new favorite of yours... now, let your eyes rest and come back with the more eotd when you're back to 100%. Try putting cool wet tea bags on your eyes, I swear it works wonders :))

  2. I will, thank you :D
    Really? Wow, I will definitely try that!

  3. i love idol eyes :)

  4. What a disappointment to hear that Chrome Yellow sucks! I'd been looking for a good matte yellow and had my beady eye on CY, but it sucks to hear that. :(
    I too own Purple Haze and mine blows too. -_- Such a shame, for I love purples!
    Your eye look is so pretty! Looking forward to that! ;)
    I hope your eyes feel better soon, hun!<3

  5. Beauty Marked and Idol Eyes are gorgeous! I need to get them soon! I love the lower lash line on your look above. Those two colors look great together. (The rest of the look is fantastic too!) =]

  6. I love your EOTD. Beautiful! I need to buy myself idol eyes. Pretty sure I don't have it..

  7. Ohhh this is such a pretty post, and you have the colours I want so much! Love your swatches, I think I'm going to order Sushi Flower, Deep Truth and Parfait Amour=)
    Thanks Yami!

  8. You're amazing with color. Love the eye you did at the end.

  9. love your eotd! all the colors are so pretty! :)

  10. uuu nice colection, and love your make up <3

  11. I want parfait amore so bad! Nice collection :)

  12. Nice palette color combination. Did you bought those individually? It is just so sad that MAC's chrome yellow is a disappointment. Good thing i bumped into this post of yours as i am planning to buy a yellow hue one in an
    online beauty store.


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