
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Swatches: Zoya Mirros Collection

Hi dolls! I hope you are all doing well ^_^

I have a mini collection swatch post to share with you~ This might be a little late, I am sure most of you have seen these polishes already! This is one part of the Zoya Fall 2011 collection called Mirrors. I purchased three colors:

-Yara: Olive green with golden flakes
-Neeka: smokey, greyed purple with subtle purple/red shimmers and not so subtle gold flakes
-Jem: Deep, red toned purple with pink/gold flakes

 *Oh and I should mention, I bought these before I started my Project 10 Pan!

Price and Availability
$8 per bottle. You can purchase them on the Zoya Website.
I purchased mine at my Uni's bookstore (weird, right?).

This was the color I knew I had to have. It is really unique and I have not seen a gold and olive green combo in a nail polish before. The formulas was amazing. This is two coats, only because I messed up the first coat. But you really only need one coat for full opacity! It is insane.

Close up~

At fist I was not going to buy this, but when I saw it in person, I loved it and I coulnd't resist. I am a purple fiend, and this was waaay to good to pass up. Like Yara, this went opaque in one coat. One coat!!! I love this because the purple is very smokey and a little dark, but the gold shimmer really brightens up the nail color a bit, and it just looks phenomenal on the nails.
My nails are sooo long right now.

Look at that! Isn't it beautiful?
Yet another color I was not going to get, but when I saw it in person I fell in love with the color! Like the previous two, this also has a one coat formula. But I also messed up the first coat so I had to apply a second one. This color is super glam, and very appropriate for fall and winter. The one thing I noticed though was that Jem has less gold flakes in artificial light than Yara and Neeka. The gold flakes and shimmer are more noticeable in natural light.

I hope you guys can see that beautiful shimmer!

I absolutely love these three shades! They all have a fantastic formula/opacity and they are all gorgeous colors! I think these three colors were the starts of the Mirrors collection and I am so glad I purchased them.
(These might be a little expensive for some people, but compared to Chanel's $25 polishes, $8 is not so bad!) These have quickly become my favorite Zoya polishes ever! Zoya, you guys did a fantastic job!

Rating: 10/10
Recommend? Duh! If you love shimmer, then  you are in for a treat~
Repurchase? I definitely would. If I ever finish these up, I most likely will repurchase it.


  1. OMG!! Such gorgeous shades!!!! Thanks for sharing <3

  2. these are the three shades i got from zoya as well! theyre sooooo beautiful!!!!

  3. they're so Devilishly gorgeous!

  4. I would love to have my nails to be as long as yours!

    Neeka is a gorgeous purple!

    How lucky are you!! I wish my Uni bookstore would sell cosmetics hehe

  5. you ALWAYS have the best nail swatches :) the purple is gorgeous!! sooo pretty! I want! lol

  6. Awesome swatches. I have this collection and *love* it.

  7. omg they are absolutely beautiful! :O i'll have to keep my eyes peeled for these!

  8. a serious 10 out of 10!!! those coors are fantastical!!!

  9. the shades are pretty! :) i like the first one the best. ;)

  10. Oh my goodness~ Jem is a STUNNING shade! And the other shades also look gorgeous~ xo

  11. The last one is gorgeous. You have amazing nails, how do you keep them that long? Wow!

  12. i want this mirrors collection BADLY!!! it's like perfect...i love zoya shimmers

    Vonnie of

  13. I´m in loooove with the green color!


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