
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fail MAC Haul + Update

Although it has only been like three days or so since my last actual post, it seems forever since I blogged! I miss it so much! Unfortunately my internet has not been fixed and I am currently at my brother's place stealing his internet ^_^

If you remember, I was on Project 10 Pan #2 since I finished my first 10 products about two weeks ago. And sadly I have already failed! I went shopping for presents for my friend's birthday and I could not resist buying a couple of things for myself. Iwill show you what I purchased~

*These are all MAC products that were purchased with my own money.

1.Fresh Amour Mattene Lipstick ($14.50, Limited Edition)
This was the only thing I purchased from the Posh Paradise collection, mostly because all the paint pots were sold out. I thought that these mattene lipsticks were going to be permanent, but they are not. I am totally obsessed with purple lippies, so I HAD to buy this. This is a matte, but not dry, very pale and opaque lavender.
Fresh Amour

2. Blue Sheen & Smokey Ruby Mineralize Eyeshadow ($20, Limited Edition)
When the Semi-precious collection came out, nothing really appealed to me, that is until I kept seeing these shadows in a bunch of blogs. By the time I decided to buy something, Smoked Ruby sold out online. Lucky for me that one of my counters had these two colors! I had to have Smoked Ruby and Blue Sheen was also too pretty to resist! I know Blue Sheen is still available online, in case you are curious.
Blue Sheen is a deep blue with multi-colored shimmers.
Smoked Ruby is a blacked copper toned red.
Blue Sheen

Smoked Ruby

3.Asian Flower & Korean Candy Sheen Supreme Lipsticks ($14.50, Permanent)
Although the Seasonally Supreme collection is permanent, I could not resist the look of these. Since I had already failed my P10P, I might as well go wild.So what the heck, I bought these too.
Asian Flower is a pink toned purple with silver shimmers.
Korean Candy is a bright, orange toned red.
Both are super creamy, moisturizing, and opaque.
Koren Candy  /  Asian Flower
Asian Flower

Korean Candy
Korean Candy is absolutely stunning! I will be doing lip swatches once my internet is fixed~
Fresh Amour  /  Asian Flower  /  Korean Candy
Blue Sheen. Left: alone, Right: Blue Sheen over Pixie Epoxy
Smoked Ruby. Left: Alone, Right: Smoked Ruby over Pixie Epoxy.
 Both of the eyeshadows are very pigmented on their own, but Pixie Epoxy makes it even more vibrant.

I have already chosen the 3 winners for my giveaway and I am waiting for their responses. :D
I also have a lot of things that I need to post once I get my internet. Check the side bar for upcoming posts~

Thank you all so much for reading! I hope you are all doing well and I can't wait to start reading your blogs again!


  1. I'm so glad I ordered Korean Candy! I really want Smoked Ruby now, I've been looking for a colour like this for ages.

  2. omg the shadows are so pretty!!! and it sucks u still don't have internet. i would just die haha! i would probably never take my eyes off my phone then >.< hope u get internet soon!

  3. smoked ruby color is so pretty and pigmented *Q*

  4. No email for me:) But still, I wish you post up winners names:) Awesome blue color!

  5. I would have gotten the exact same things! I'm developing a small obsession for purple lipstick myself...

  6. Oooh love these swatches! I'll have to go check these out!

  7. The smoky ruby eyeshadow and the lipsticks are beautiful.

  8. Oh my goodness, those shadows are really pigmented. I can't seem to see the difference between with or without epoxy!

    I heart Korean Candy! I want that shade~~~

  9. love the orange lipstick!

  10. smoked ruby looks way more bronze than I would have imagined! i like the other items purchased though, great haul you naughty girl!

    Vonnie of

  11. i love the color of the eyeshadows and korean candy is just sooo pretty! :D

  12. nice review :D
    can't wait your super gorgeous EOTD >_<

  13. Hey, try to apply your smoke ruby wet to give it more hue and intense color even without pixi epoxy under it. :D Really pretty stuff!

    PS. Maybe you'd like to join my giveaway too! :D Thanks sis!


  14. Ive never attempted P10P maybe because I know I can't do it lol.

    I missed out on Smoked Ruby but Korean candy is beautiful! Thanks for sharing :)

  15. Pff! Fail haul? No way. Win haul. <3 I love your picks and Korean Candy is one of my faves.


Thank you for taking the time to comment <3 I appreciate every single comment I receive ^_^