
Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Just a super quick FOTD~ I swear I always take pictures of FOTDs, but I never post them! But I will today ;)
I was wearing this super cute GIR necklace that I have had FOREVER.

I was wearing THIS LOOK on my eyes using the Jill Stuart palatte.

Products Used:
Face, Eyes, Lips
-Skin79 Oriental BB Cream
-Kat Von D Concealer
-MAC Pink Swoon Blush
-MAC Viva Glam Gaga Lipstick

 I also decided to play Catherine again, as well as God of War III

Hope you enjoy :D


  1. pretty shadow color ;-)

  2. I have to ask this! I'm sorry its killing me.. You have some of the BEST pictures when reviewing makeup but on your FOTD the quality lacks. Do you use a different camera for that and if so why? You should really use the one you do reviews with. The pictures are soooo pretty & I think it would only compliment your FOTD. :)

  3. @Yolanda: Great question! I do use a different camera. I use my camera phone. The camera I use for reviews and for my eye looks is the Canon Rebel T3, and it is a pretty heavy camera. I can take eye pictures just fine because it is only my eyes, but when taking full face pictures it is really difficult for me since the camera is really heavy. I don't have anywhere I could place my camera to take the pictures, nor do I have someone to take them for me. It is something I yet have to figure out. If you check out the "About Me" tab on the top of my blog, you will see a picture I took of me with my goo camera, but I had to take it with the camera visible.
    I know the FOTD lack quality, but it is better than no FOTD pictures, yes?

  4. I completely understand...I'm thinking about purchasing that same camera in the near future but one downfall is definitely the size/weight. Regardless of the quality, I love you blog and yes, keep the FOTD pictures coming. LOL Thanks for responding. :)

  5. I'm gonna sing the doom song now... DOOM DOOM DOOMDOOMDOOM.

    Pretty FoTD.

    I haven't started Catherine yet. A friend wound up getting it for me as a birthday gift, but darn midterms keep getting between me and the game.


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