
Monday, October 3, 2011

Illamasqua Theatre of the Nameless

*WARNING! Picture heavy post~

Promo Picture
First of all, what an awesome collection, Illamasqua! Beautiful promo pictures, amazing makeup, great products,and a genuinely creative name and theme. Everything was executed so nicely~
You may know of my huge love affair with Illamasqua products, which started from the very first lipstick I purchased, and has lead up to many more Illamasqua purchases. So it is no surprise that I am super in love with some of their recently released products ^_^

Nail Varnish, Lipstick, and a Pure Pigment
'Kontrol' Lipstick ($22)
This is a blue-toned dark purple, which is perfect for the up coming fall/winter. This is a matte finish, but is not drying at all. On the contrary, it is very smooth and creamy. Because it is a darker color, it is slightly more difficult to get an even coverage. But with a careful application it will apply perfectly. I was surprised how much I loved this color! I thought it would be too dark, but it actually looks very nice. It is a sophisticated goth-like lip color.

The color reminded me of ghastly, Haunter, and Gengar. The pictures are not in order though, because Haunter was my favorite. He was cool looking, detached hands!
I am wearing Kontrol lipstick

'Beguile' Pure Pigment ($24)
A very shimmery sheer white with amazing holographic shimmers. This color is really easy to ignore; in pictures and in the container is looks like any old shimmery white. I personally thought this when I first saw it: "Meh...I've seen better." I was really wrong! Once I swatched it, I saw the true potential and beauty that was Beguile. The base color, which is white, is very sheer but this pigment is not meant to be an opaque white eyeshadow. The point of this pigment is to be used for it's shimmery goodness, which will  add an amazing sparkle to any look. A must have for Illamasqua and shimmer lovers!

I had on Beguile in the inner corner~ Separate post on this look soon :D

'Kink' Nail Varnish ($14)
Kink is a dark forest green color that dries to a rubbery finish. This new finish is really weird, but awesome! It is like a mix between a cream and a matte finish; a very perplexing combination indeed! I rather like how it looks and it certainly is very unique.
The formula is amazing: completely opaque in one coat! I must be honest though. I am not a huge fan of dark greens, so the color of this doesn't awe me too much. But, this polish looks fantastic under a black shatter polish! I have received so many compliments on my nails when I wore Kink and OPI's Black Shatter together.

(Picture below) I had been wearing this manicure for about 5 days before taking the photos!

These three products are merely the tip of the iceberg. This collection offers so many more amazing products that I still need to try! But I do really love all three of these products, my favorite being the lipstick in Kontrol. I highly recommend Illamasqua products, especially the products from this collection.

Rating: 9/10 (-.5 for price; -.5 for local availability)
Recommend? Most definitely!
Repurchase? I would repurchase many of my Illamasqua products~

You can check out:
Previous Illamasqua Posts
Illamasqua website
Sephora page for Illamasqua

*This post contains products that were sent by PR for consideration and review. All opinions are my own regardless. I am not being paid to review these products.


  1. Your look and the nails look awesome! I never tried this kind of green nail polish before:)

  2. can't wait for u to post that EOTD! it's gorgeous! and i love your nails. i agree, black shatter looks awesome w kink!! what a great green color :D

  3. Love this collection and love Kontrol on you!

  4. I find it VERY hard to believe there wasn't a Sharpie involved in that first image.

    That pigment looks really intriguing! never really thought about using that like you have! I've been inspired!

  5. Ooh, loving all three products! I love the multicolored shimmer in the pure pigment and that purple lippie is just love. <3

  6. You can SO rock control!! Love it!! And I love how sparkly the pure pigment is!

  7. Oooh purple lipstick! Seems weird to me, coz i'm used to pinks and reds. I am in love with the 'Beguile' Pure Pigment though. The holo is super pretty!

  8. I'm not entirely sure about the purple lipstick >.<

  9. wooooooow that Kontrol lipstick is out of this world beautiful!!! you look amazing in it!!! love the eye look as well, of course!!!

  10. I wasn't too sure about Kontrol but you totally rock it!


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