
Friday, November 4, 2011

Evil Shades Review: Eyeshadows

Hello again xD Are you guys getting tired of me? I have simply tons of things to post! I hate to overwhelm you guys with posts but what else shall I do? I haven't done a review in a while so here is a review on some eyeshadows from Evil Shades Cosmetics.

Price and Availability
You can purchase them from the Evil Shades Cosmetics website.
$1.75 for a sample (1g), $5 for a full size (less than 5g), and $9 for a pro size (7g).
 Most of the eyeshadows were purchased through the Evil Cosmetics Blogger Pack, which includes samples of : 5 eyeshadows, 4 blushes, and 3 lip products  of your choice for $6. I believe the price was raised because I am pretty sure it was $4 when I puchased them (I bought these about a month or two ago).


Keep reading for more ^_^

Close up of Bonfire. Look at the glitterfest!

 The picture below is a Franken, or a color made by mixing two or more colors together.

-The Blogger set was a really great deal, since you get to try out a lot of products.
-Everything was packaged really great, and there was a couple of samples included.
-I love the character that represents the brand! She is so cute xD
-The eyeshadow colors, like Devil's Bonfire and Phoenix, are unique.
-Most of the shadows are decently pigmented (I used Pixie Epoxy to swatch the above).
-The shades are soft and easy to blend.
-I really enjoyed the huge sample of the Franken!

-Although most of the descriptions for the colors are dead on, the pictures on the website can be a little misleading(ex: Nymphette looks nothing like the picture, nor like the description).
-The samples come in small, plastic clamshells which can be very frustrating to open.
-You can also easily spill and waste product because of the way the samples are packaged.
-Some colors, like Chusi and Victorian Night, didn't have a great color payoff.
-And although easy to blend, it is easy to overblend some of the shadows.
-Devil's Bonfire has massive amounts of glitter, which some people will definitely not like.

Amongst all the Evil Shades products I tried, the eyeshadows were my least favorite. Not that they are bad eyeshadows, but I feel like I HAVE to use my Pixie Epoxy with all the colors in order to get a good color pay off. The samples are inexpensive, but I hate the clamshells they come in, and I would be tempted to get the full size in order to get them in jars. I hate to compare them with other brands, but Shiro Cosmetics and Fyrinnae package their samples in jars (although they are slightly more expensive as well, but you also get more product). I would say that the Blogger set is a really great deal, and I definitely recommend that for Bloggers who want to try new products and want to show their readers new products. The downside is that ONLY bloggers or youtubers can get that set, and thus the average person can't. I didn't want to start with a bad impression of this brand, because trust me, they have some really great products (cough*blushes*cough) that I will review soon enough. The company in general is really fantastic: always very polite and helpful. But as for the eyeshadows, I was not super impressed and I will not be purchasing any more.

Rating: 6.5/10
Recommend? I would recommend the Blogger Set. You can of course decide fro yourself if you like the eyeshadows or not.
Repurchase? No.
Have you tried Evil Shades eyeshadows before? What was your experience?


  1. the character is really cute =) But i don't think I'd wanna buy any of the products !

    thanks for the review =)

    xxx Vee

  2. BTW I'd love to see how your DS looks like =D !!!

    xxx Vee

  3. Love the black unique <3 Thanks for the swatches honey!!!

  4. they look cool, but if you had to use something else to get the color pay off thats no bueno ;-(

    anyways, great review!

  5. The colours look lovely, but it's a shame that it can only be achieved through use of your pixie epoxy. Thanks for the review!

  6. wow they looks lovely ..

  7. Devils bonfire look really stand out! Though all of them look soo pretty~~ xD

  8. colors are really lovely hun!!! thanks for sharing this lovely swatches!

  9. dark arts and danger sox = must haves!

  10. we will never be tired of you--your posts are such treats!!! these colors are amazing and your review is fair and honest, as always :)) <3

  11. I want to try this brand! I've been hearing so much about it! Thanks for your insight :)

  12. Wow, all those swatches look amazing! Bummer that they're not as pigmented without the epoxy though.

  13. I was not fond of my Evil Shades shadows at all, I'm afraid. Their lip products were also pretty hit or miss, in my experience.


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