
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

FOTD: Pigtails and Purple Lips

So now that I feel back to normal, and all the racism forgotten, I wanted to post a quick FOTD. This is what I was wearing today.
I think it is pretty simple: Purple on the eyes, purple on the lips, and the most simplest hair style I can wear.

Sorry if my face looks a little too white. My BB cream has a high SPF, and my blackhair also makes my face look whiter than usual.
I hope you can see my hair. I love doing my hair this way because all I have to do is shower, and then put my hair in two pigtails and twirl the pigtails into a curl. I don't have to use any styling tools or products.

 I am wearing Stila 'Little Black Dress' on my eyes and MAC 'Up the Amp' lipstick. Its funny because I was wearing a black dress. ^_^  Actually, I was wearing all black pretty much. I looked really gothic. But thats okay, I don't mind :D I love the color black ♥

I am sorry that I can take better FOTD for you all. It is super difficult for me to take full face shots with my camera since it is so heavy. I have tried taking the pictures and it never comes out right Dx<


  1. cute pigtails~~!! i always love your eye make up. I've tried a purple lipstick and i look reaaally weird! >.<

  2. you are looking gorgeous, I love your hair honey <3

  3. @Comica: Aww thanks dear~ Ah, I think it looks weird on me too, but I love it, and I don't care if I look weird! Haha.

    @Thanks hun! <3

  4. You can seriously rock the crap outta a purp lippie! Love it

  5. I love your hair!!! The curls are lovely. ^^ And the lip color is gorgeous.

  6. this is so gorgeous looking so cute color really suits you

  7. you look nicee!!i am a new fashion blogger from indonesia living in singapore :) i really like your blog. i will really reaaally appreciate & it will be an honor to have u as my blog member.

    and of course i will folback!!! :D also, u can mention me anytime on twitter @tiodang if you want me to check out your latest post & leave a comment ^^
    i've just recommend your post to google!u can check it! that's what u got if you keep in touch with my blog too!! hope u will do the same ^^
    u can contact me at :

  8. i love the lip color!

  9. you're so cute Nancy :)
    love your hair style

  10. Cute hair! I also loveeee wearing black. :)

  11. @Jennifer Soto Sesmilo: Thank you so much ^_^

  12. I was such a fan of the glossy lid aswell so when I saw on your blog these kind of coloured glossy things for the lids (i really cant remember the name!) from that website which sells loads of different cosmetics brands, I ordered some of them !! I can't wait to recieve it!! =) hehe

    xxx Vee

  13. Love Alpha Jellies !! that's it ! I am literally rushing to the kitchen (where my flat mates put te mails) everytime I come back from work, hoping that I had recieved it :p but it hasent happened yet ! I ordered them about 10 days ago so it should be there soon =) !

    xxx Vee

    ps: love the pigtails ! I've got curly hair too, should try it sometime =)

  14. What a cute pigtail! You look so adorable in it!


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