
Monday, November 14, 2011

The Lipstick Compendium: YBF 'Pink Princess' Royalty Pewter Lipstick

Hi Dolls~ Today I want to you show you a beautiful lipstick from YBF (Your Best Friend) Cosmetics.

This is the Royalty Collectible Pewter Lipstick in Princess Pink. a very great name, just look at the packaging! It is certainly fir for a princess.

Price andAvailability
This is $28.80 on the YBF website. It is also available in Royalty Red. 

Princess Pink is a frosty, barbie pink. It is very girly and very flirty.
I was worried that the lipstick would be drying or make my lips look chapped because it is so frosty. But it applies very smoothly. The staying power is okay. It lasts about 2-3 hours on me, but it does fade really well on my lips. Once it is really faded, it leaved behind pretty shimmers. :D
The lipstick does have a faint smell, can't really say what smell it has, but it doesn't bother me. If you are sensitive to smells, you might want to be careful.
The packaging is the best part of the lipstick, to be honest! It definitely has weight to it, which I persosnally love. It really stands out among my other lipsticks! It looks so cool, chic, and very medieval. I did have one problem with it though, but I am not sure if its just my tube. When I retract the lipstick, there is a slight resistance of the lipstick to go down. It is not a huge problem, because the lipstick does retract, but it can be a little annoying at times. Thought I should point that out. Other than that, I simply adore the packaging! I wish more companies would be creative with their packaging.

Here I am wearing the lipstick. This was from my Princess Zelda Look:
And these pictures below are from my upcoming Zelda (from Skywards Sword) Look:

Kisses! Besos!キス! ~ ♥

 Here I attempted to make a very squared version of a triforce with the three pictures above. ^^ Epic fail.

The price is a little steep, but the packaging is mostly what you will be paying for. If you look at high end brands that have awesome packaging, the price range is usually like $40-$60. Since the lipstick is actually pretty darn good, I good say that $29 bucks is not all that bad. Of course, if you don't care for the packaging, I would advise you to stay away from this lipstick. I was surprised that I liked this a lot, since I don't usually like frosty lipsticks. But I love how this looks on my lips, and it is a great sophisticated color for me. I actaully really want the Royalty Red, which is the red version on this lipstick.

Rating: 8.5/10 

Do you like the packaging?

*This was sent to me by YBF. I was not paid to review this and all opinions stated are my own.


  1. cute pics!
    love the case of the lipstick!

  2. that's the prettiest lipstick casing I've ever seen!

  3. Oh wow. That is the most awesome lipstick packaging i've ever seen! For that price, I'd say it's a steal. :D

  4. The packaging does look super medieval! I'm not sure if I like it but it's sure to stand out.
    I can't wait for you upcoming Zelda looks, the lipstick goes so well with it!

  5. oh my goodness the packaging is so mythical! the pink is cute too but i expected it would be red bec of the accents in the packaging! :D Oh and thanks re your comment on the lip balms. FINALLY i meet someone who doesn't like carmex too!!! haha

  6. the packaging is so cute, the color looks good on you too ;-)

  7. 0_0 Divine packaging! Looks like it would belong to Alchemy Gothic. <3

  8. WOW the package is everything though!!! I really love the color on you!!

  9. who cares about the lipstick with a case like that <3 <3 <3

  10. I adore this case.
    But the particular lipstick shade shown here - nah, no thanks.

  11. you look great hun!! :) the packaging is definitely sooo pretty! :D

  12. hehe, cute pics! *muah* this looks really pretty on you

  13. Amazing! I´ve never seen anything like that. Have a lovely week <3<3

  14. the color and packaging are beautiful! thanks for sharing =)

  15. tha packaging is awesome ! And the colour seems to suit you so well ! I love the look you did with it =) !! You're so CUTE =D haha ! Sorry, but I had to say it :p !

    xxx Vee

  16. It is very pretty packaging, one for a posh night out to impress your friends, if they dont try to pinch it off you!

  17. The case is so pretty and the color is nice!

  18. OMG That is the most gorgeous lipstick packaging I've ever seen! Wow!

  19. cute packaging and the color is pretty!! you look so cute nancy :D

  20. Bring this product back!!! it is the best!


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