
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Purple Lipstick Collection

Hello!~ Just wanted to let you all know that I will be a little occupied the next week or so. I have a terrible amount of school work, and I also have been addicted to playing Skyrim. I will have some scheduled posts, but I will not be commenting as much as I would like. Thank you all, and have a great week!

I feel so giddy to show you my purple lippie collection ^_^ I love purple lipsticks and I am completely obsessed with finding new additions to my collection. A lot of my lipsticks are limited edition lipticks from MAC, and I am so sorry if I show something you can no longer find! But anyways, here are swaches of all my purple lipsticks, including any purple toned lipsticks.

*The lipsticks look a little washed out, and they look more pink/red than purple. But trust me, they are purple.



My favorites:
-MAC 'Asian Flower'
-Illamasqua 'Underworld'
-MAC Blooming Lovely
-Lime Crime 'D'Lilac' and 'Airborne Unicorn'
My least favorites:
-NYX Castle (It doesn't look good on my lips)
-MUFE #15 (I love the color, but it smells terrible and it has a gritty texture)
-Fyrinnae Coffin Velvet (Love the color, but it applies patchy on my lips)

I think I might have forgotten to add one or two lipsticks here (I totally forgot to add my Australis lipstick!).
I am on a makeup ban, and I will not be buying any lipsticks until I use the lipsticks that I own. But please, if you have any recommendations for purple lipsticks please leave a comment. I love to heat what you have have to say ^_^

Many people think purple lipsticks are unwearable and "crazy." What are your thoughts on this? Would you wear a bright purple lipstick? I know I would ;)


  1. Omg they are all so gorgeous!! :) I love purple but I don't really use it as a lipstick except on special occasions or if it's not too bright lol I prefer wearing bright pink on my lips ^^
    Great swatches!

  2. Whoa Covergirl in Divine and NYX Castle will def be my next purchase

  3. so jealous, you have so many great shades... love them

  4. yayyy!! purple!!! that's my fave color too. wow you have some gorgeous purple shades!!

  5. Oh my, they all look gorgeous! Even though they lean more towards purple, I would definitely try some of them if I had the chance!
    Up The Amp, Violetta and Underworld are the 3 that really appeal to me. :D

  6. I have to admit I use to think purple was a little unwearable. But the colour has definitely grown on me and I'm starting to wear it more and more. I love MAC up the amp!

  7. i looooove purple lipsticks, actually wore one today that everyone and their mama complimented me on (milani magenta madness).

    i like the shades coffin velvet, asian flower, kontrol, and d'lilac best :)

  8. IDK, I haven't tried any purple lipsticks.. I'm scared to step-out of my comfort zone.. hihi hope i can try sometime.. thanks for sharing the swatches.. i'll take note of the pink pout =)) i like it so much!

  9. lovely swatches

    i would love if you follow back

  10. Fab collection nancy!!! Lovely shades <3

  11. lovely swatches hun! i hope you catch up with all that you have to do!

    and... what is skyrim? O.o

  12. Just found your blog... looks great! Anyway, you have a collection to be ENVIOUS of! I love purple lipsticks. I wish I had gotten Blooming Lovely while I was able.

  13. Hahaha! I really love this <3 You might know I did an "all my purple lips" swatches post like three months ago or so... I should probably add to it with my latest purples ^.~ but you definitely have my collection beat!

  14. I would definitely wear purple lipstick and now I've seen this I NEED one =D haha. NO !! NO MORE MAKEUP FOR ME !!!!

    my favourites in your list are MAC Violetta and Mattene Fresh Amour ! Oh and also D'Lilac from Lime Crime =)

    xxx Vee

  15. I have this one - MAC Bazaarish - and the color is very similar to Fyrinnae Coffin Velvet but it is so smooth. I don't know if they are still making it but definitely try to find it!

  16. Thanks for the beautiful swatches. Sheen Supreme looks really pretty. I don't where purple lips very often but once in a while, these colors really pull me in.

  17. I forgot about this one too - MAC Media - I'll most likely be posting swatches of my collection sometime in the next little while too :)

  18. Awesome purple lipstick collection! I personally haven't tried any purple lippies before...but I'm kind of curious of how they'd look against my skin tone. heh.

  19. I Love your blog! And I love Airborne Unicorn too, also Castle by NYX, you have great lipsticks, I don't have many MAC one but I saw in the pictures two or three that caught my atenttion =) see you


Thank you for taking the time to comment <3 I appreciate every single comment I receive ^_^