
Saturday, December 31, 2011

EOTD: New Year's Shenanigans!

Not a year goes by that I don't do something stupid or silly on New Year's Eve. My most memorable New Year's shenanigans was a couple of years ago when I spent the holidays in Mexico. Gather round kids, for I am about to tell you one of the stupidest things I have ever done!

     It was about 10 o'clock, two hours before midnight. My family and I usually spent New Years in Mexico, in a crowded plaza with people throwing confetti and fireworks blasting all around; a lively and cheerful scene. But this year was different. We decided to spend New Years in a more quite setting: my grandmother's house. Mostly everyone was talking and lounging around, but I was terribly bored. My cousins and I were disappointed since we wanted to see the fireworks at the plaza, so to try to entertain ourselves, we went outside my grandmother's house which was at the end of town. Next to her house there was many other smaller houses, some farms, and a vast fields of dry grass. We went and sat on the curb in front of my grandmother's house while we talked and joked around. We lit some sparklers, which we has purchased earlier that day. I am not sure how or why it happened, but some of the sparklers we had somehow managed to burn a nearby patch of grass, which then spread. Little by little it spread...
     Next thing we know, the vast field of dry grass is entirely in flames! I was absolutely terrified. To think that I, directly or indirectly, had set the field on was an incredulous thought. None the less, the fire spread onto other large patches of dry grass, and soon the entire edge of town was lit by the seemingly endless flames.
     Luckily, all the houses in the town were made of brick, and thus the flames did not harm any home. Another lucky thing for us was that the flames only stayed within the vicinity of the dry grass, and it did not spread any where else. No one was harmed, and instead many of being in a state of panic, most people were mesmerized by the flames. May people gathered on the street to watch the blazing fire. No one seemed to care that many fields were on fire and no one tried to put out the fire either. In the end, we learned to be more careful with fire, but we also got one hell of a fireworks show!


Besides the fact that I wanted to share with you all this New Year's story, I also wanted to share this look that was made when I was being silly and having fun. I ordered a few new Fyrinnae colors and I wanted to see what they looked like. I started applying random colors to my eye, then I applied a liner...and yup, a coincidental look!
I merely added mascara and eye liner as a courtesy since I was not going out nor had I intended to do an eye look. I can't even remember what colors I used...but I will try to remember. For sure I know I used Fyrinnae 'Electric Stardust' in the inner corner and Lancome 'Beach Gem' liquid liner in the outer part of the lower lash line.

Have you had a crazy experience on New Years? I know I have had plenty!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

EOTD: New Year's Eve

New Year's Day is just a couple days away . That includes New Year's Eve which is a night to celebrate all the wonderful things that happened in 2011. I will personally be partying and having fun with my friends, and so I definitely need a memorable eye look for that night. New Year's looks usually consist of dramatic eye makeup and glitter! I will be skipping the glitter but still using high-sparkle colors.This might give you an idea of a look for yourself, and of course you can change it to suit your needs.

The Lipstick Compendium: Lime Crime 'Coquette'

For someone who doesn't like nude lipstick, I certainly have a lot of them. Lime Crime 'Coquette' is my newest addition to my nude lippies and has quickly become one of my favorites. I have so many lipsticks because I have been on the search to find my perfect nude lipstick. Most nudes are too brown, to pale, or too peach and they make me look like a zombie. My two favorite nudes are Jemma Kidd's 'English Rose' and Lime Crime 'Coquette'. I think it is safe to say that I will not be purchasing any more nude lipsticks!

Coquette is a light, peachy nude. It is not too pale or too dark and I can imagine it would look good on many skin tones.

Texture of the lipstick is amazing! This is extremely creamy, smooth, and pigmented. It doesn't have amazing wear, as it only lasts about 2-3 hours on my lips. I like the color and the texture enough to have the patience to re-apply it constantly, though. 

For swatches, refer to my Nude Lipstick Collection.

Bare Lips

With Coquette

Face: Artistry Tinted Moisturizer in 'Tint 1'
Lips: Lime Crime 'Coquette'
Cheeks: Illamasqua Cream Pigment 'Androgen'

So for the crappy picture and for my messiness, but I hope you can see that the color is very peachy and not at all zombie/un-dead looking. It is a nude that is incredibly easy to wear, for me at least. I just quickly applied Coquette before, quite literally, rushing out the door. This is not the greatest example of a FOTD, but it will have to do. Of course, I will try to use this in another look. But I hope you get an idea of what it looks like.

If you have any questions about this lipstick, please don't hesitate to ask ^_^

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Nude Lipstick Collection

I personally have a huge obsession for purple lipsticks, but the average woman tends to go for a more natural lip color. Nude lipstick is a preferred choice by many women for a simple and natural look. I am not the hugest fan of nude lipstick but I still have way too many nude lipsticks. Why? Because I have tried to look for my perfect nude lip color, and the best way to find the perfect color is to try out many different colors. The perfect nude should be a staple in a makeup junkie's lipstick collection so of course I have to go on a crazy journey to find my HG nude lipstick. I will share with you my collection and this might  help you to pick the right nude color for yourself.

From Right to Left:
-Wet n Wild 900B 'Pink Sugar'
-Revlon ColorBurst Lipstick 070 'Nude'
-Revlon Matte 001 'Nude Attitude'
-Jemma Kidd Lipstick 002 'English Rose'
-MAC 'Peachstock' (PRO color)
-MAC 'Blankety'
-MAC 'Hue'
-Lime Crime 'Coquette'
-Tom Ford 'Blush Nude'


1. Jemma Kidd English Rose
2.Lime Crime Coquette
3.MAC Hue
4. Tom Ford Blush Nude

I am rather light skinned with a mostly neutral undertone (slightly leaning towards the yellow side). Nude lipsticks are difficult for me, so my favorites are either light peachy nudes or pink based nudes. Jemma Kid's English Rose and Lime Crime Coquette are very similar on my lips and I like them because they are not too beige or pale. Coquette seems to be very peachy but it actually shows up nicely on my skin tone. English Rose has a nice pink undertone that does not wash out me out. MAC Hue is more pink, but still nude enough for me to consider it a nude. Hue is the easiest nude to pull off because it is sheer and has enough pink to bring some color to the face while still giving a subtle nude color to the lips.
Tom Ford Blush nude is actually super similar to Coquette, but the formulas are a little different and I prefer the formula of Coquette (although Blush Nude is much more long wearing).

Least Favorite
1.MAC Blankety
2.WnW 900B
3. MAC Peachstock

MAC Blankety is too dark and beige for my skin tone. It is a beautiful color for medium to dark skin tones but it just does not work for me. MAC Peachstock is a dark peach color and it only works for me under lip glosses. Wet n Wild 900B is too pigmented and again too much of a dark peach for my skin tone.

My best advice to choosing nude lip colors is to try some out and see what works for you. I know, not the most helpful advise, but it is honestly the best way to find what colors work best for you.
My perfect nude is Lime Crime Coquette or Jemma Kidd English Rose, since both look very similar on my lips. I will do a post right after this reviewing Coquette and showing some photos of how it looks. Hope you enjoyed this~

Saturday, December 24, 2011

EOTD:Under the Mistletoe

Merry Christmas!~ ♥
I must admit I am a little drunk right now but I did promise I would post this look, so I am keeping my promise. I most likely will not be able to write a post on Christmas, so I just want to wish you all happy holidays! From the bottom of my heart I wish you all happiness, whatever matter what happiness might mean to you. To me, it means spending this time of year with my friends, family, and my two dogs. I am truly blessed to have a great family and an amazing group of friends. Last but not least, I am thankful for all of you, my dear readers, who have supported me and encouraged me to keep blogging and to keep sharing my passion. Thank you all!

Although I am not the hugest Christmas enthusiast, I really enjoyed making this look. I didn't have time to take pictures for a tutorial, but I hope you like it either ways.

~From The Dark Side of Beauty, I wish you all happy holidays.

Products Used
-ELF Eyelid Primer
-Fyrinnae Pixie Epoxy (on the center of the lid as a base for the glitter)
-NYC palette (the cranberry shade for the crease and lower lash line)
-Tarina Tarantino Starchild Odyssey Palette (sparkling silver on the inner corner)
-Coastal Scents Glitter Mica in 'Emerald' 
-Wet n Wild white eyeliner pencil (on the waterline)
-L'oreal mascara
-L'oreal Lineur Intense liquid liner
-KKCenterhk ESA88 Lashes
-Duo Lash Glue (I still hate this stuff)

I had a super great time with my friends tonight. We might have played King's Cup too much, but it was so much fun. I think I need to sleep now. ;) Goodnight!~

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Death NoteTutorial: Second Kira

Hello again~ Here is another look using the Shiro Cosmetics Death Note Collection. This time I am using Second Kira (which refers to Misa Amane) as the main color along with Shinigami (the Gods of Death) and More Sugar (refers to how L loves sweets and is always eating anything with sugar). I really like how it turned out and I might even use this look for a Christmas party tomorrow :D

Products Used
-ELF Eyelid Primer
-MAC Painterly Paint Pot 
-Fyrinnae Pixie Epoxy (only in the inner corner as a base for Shinigami)
-Shiro Cosmetics 'Second Kira'
-Shiro Cosmetics 'Shinigami'
-Shiro Cosmetics 'More Sugar'
-MUFE Aqua Eyes black eyeliner
-L'oreal mascara
-Duo Lash Glue (I hate this glue!)
Picture Tutorial
  1. Prime your lids.I used the ELF Eyelid Primer and MAc Painterly Paint Pot.
  2. Apply Second Kira on most of the lid and crease, but avoid the inner corner.
  3. Apply Shinigami in the inner corner. I applied Pixie Epoxy under Shinigami because the color wasn't showing up well. 
  4. Apply More Sugar above the crease and blend it into Second Kira. 
  5. Apply black eyeliner on the water line and smudge some on the lower lash line. The apply some of Second Kira on the lower lash line. Apply mascara and lashes (if desired).
  6. Apply liner on the top lash line and make sure all the colors are nicely blended. I also ended up adding a little bit of my face highlighter to my brow bone.

 Finished~! This should be the final result:

Happy Holidays to you all :D I will have a Christmas inspired look up by tomorrow hopefully! 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

OOTD: Give Me More Lace

Hello everyone~ Christmas is just around the corner! I have been busy buying presents and making plans for Christmas day! But I thought I should post about the outfit I wore today when I went shopping. It was really sunny outside, so I wore a skirt. Turns out it was really windy and cold outside, at 38 degrees Farenheit which is cold for a sunny California day. I didn't want to take off my skirt so I just wore a warm coat~ I hope you like teh outfit :D Remember I suck at being fashionable ^_^

I don't think you can see it well, but I have this super cute Hello Kitty purse! xD
 White Coat: Marshalls
Lace Top: Forever 21
Lace Skirt: Forever 21
Belt: Bakers Shoes
Tights: Ugh...Target perhaps?
Shoes: Ross

 See in this photo below, how the top and the dress almost look like a dress. The belt also adds to the look of these two separate pieces looking like a dress ^_^
 Then I got bored and I tried on these shoes that my aunt had given me a while ago. They are so cute, but a little too tall for casual wear.

So yeah, a lot of lace! Are you seeing a pattern? I love lace! Especially black lace. My other two OOTD have also involved mostly lace. Haha. I hope you liked it anyways. Until next time!

Monday, December 19, 2011

How To: Long Nails

I get a lot of comments on my nail posts that go  little something like this: "I love your long nails. My nails always break and I can't grow them long." Well, I must confess that until I started to go to college, my nails were unbearably and painfully short. I could NEVER get my nails to grow because they would always break. Then I realized that when I started to do a couple of things differently, my nails started to grow. I still alternate between having long nails and short nails just to see if these tricks works, and they do! Here are my tips on how to keep your nails from breaking and how to get them to be long. Keep in mind that you can't really make your nails grow faster, and you have to be patient to get to grow to your desired length.

Here are some example of my nail lengths:

This is my longer nails, and probably the longest I have had them.

This is my relatively short nails that are still not super short.

And this is my shorter, uneven nails.
What I do to get long nails:

1.Wear nail polish frequently
Wearing nail polish is a fantastic way to make your nails stronger and thicker. Nail polish also acts as a protective barrier from things that make your nails more brittle (like water or harsh soaps). In my experience, once I  started to wear nail polish frequently, my nails started to become stronger and they actually grew long. I advice that you re-paint your nails about once a week. Of course you can manicure them more frequently, but not everyone has the time to do them more often. Also, it is better if your wear nails polish when you take showers or wash dishes since your nails will be a little more protected and they won't break as easily.

2. Nail Polish Remover
Nail polish is great for the strength of your nails, but unfortunately nail polish remover is not. Most nail polish removers are very harsh and dry out the cuticle of the nail. I suggest using a acetone-free remover, or a very gentle and nourishing remover. My favorite is Zoya's Remove +. It is super gentle on my nails and does not dry out the cuticle or make my nails brittle.

3. Nail Clippers or Filers
One important thing to maintaining long nails is to either clip them slightly or to file them frequently. Filing and cutting the nails will smooth the edges and prevent rough edges that may lead to breakage. Just like you will trim your hair to avoid or get rid of split ends, cutting and filing the nails will also get rid of an unwanted and damaged part of the nail.

4. Cuticle Oil (Optional)
This may or may not help your nails grow longer, but I really enjoy applying cuticle oil on my nails occasionally. Maintaining healthy cuticles is a key to maintaining healthy and long nails~

 That is all I do to get my nails to grow somewhat long. This may work for you or it may not. Many people are blessed with having naturally long and healthy nails, and I certainly am not one of those people. But I hope this helps a little. Until next time ^_^

Friday, December 16, 2011

Death Note Tutorial: Heaven Nor Hell

With the help of the Detective L, N, and M, the Task Force closes in on Kira. Light, who is not only Kira but also the Second L, has managed to avoid being discovered as Kira. Unfortunately for Light, Near and Mello join forces, and Near manages to expose Light as the real Kira. As Light is left physically and mentally incapacitated, he begs Ryuk to use his Death Note to kills everyone who knows he is Kira. Ryuk sees that Light is no longer fit to keep using the Death Note, and thus Ryuk writes Light Yagami's name in his own Death Note. Ryuk had already told Light that those who use the Death Note cannot go to Heaven Nor Hell, and that when Light dies he would disappear into nothing. With that, Light dies an agonizing death and the story of Kira ends.

Hii Dark Siders~ Hope you are all doing great. I have another eye look using the Shiro Cosmetics Death Note collection :D Hope you like it!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Death NoteTutorial: Perfect World

A Perfect World, exactly what Light thinks he can change this world full of sin into. Light, along with the Second Kira and many other or Light's followers, use the Death Note to get rid of all the atrocious and unwanted people in society in order to create this Perfect World. Light makes himself God of the new world and uses his so called "Divine Justice" to punish the unworthy. Is it really Divine Justice? Or is it merely Kira's own twisted sense of punishment to those whom he deems to be "sinners?"


Hiii dolls! I am trying something a little different today. As you can see, I started this post with a of sorts. I want to tie in the colors I used for the look to the Death Note series, and I just talked about how the names tie in with the actual story of Death Note. Besides that, this is also my first picture tutorial!~ ^_^ I hope you enjoy it. If you like this "tutorial" better than just regular pictures, please tell me. I would be glad to do all my eye looks this way :D

This is the look I call "Perfect World":

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Review: Shiro Cosmetics Death Note Collection

I hate to come off as a crazy fangirl....BUT OMG!! DEATH NOTE MAKEUP! OVMFRBMRGMBR~! <3

One thing that you should know about me is that I am obsessed with anime/manga. When I was in 10th grade in high school (2006) and pretty much through out my high school years, I went through this whole Death Note obsession. I started reading the manga, and then when the anime was released in 2007 I also went totally crazy for it. I love Death Note because it is so different. It was morbid, comical, idealistic, yet still had a Sherlock Holmes twist to it. My Death Note obsession only grew when I started going to anime conventions, where I could buy endless amounts of Death Note merch. I had like 5 Death Note bags, tons of posters, all the manga volumes, and of course eventually bought the anime DVDs (I still own all of these btw). Even to this day, I still have a slight obsession with Death Note. I still love L and still cry whenever I see the episode where he dies (Damn you Light!).
When I heard Shiro Cosmetics was releasing a Death Note collection, I immediately reverted back to my 10th grade self. I knew I HAD to have the entire collection. So I bought it when it was released and very eagerly awaited. Of course, Shiro takes a while to ship and whatnot, but it eventually arrived into my little Death Note-loving hands.

Price and Availability 
You can purchase this collection on the Shiro Cosmetics website.
The shadows range from $1-$5 (depending on the size you choose). There are 10 colors in this collection, so you can buy them separately or as a set. The set costs: $9 for sample bags, $27 for a set of mini jars, or $45 for full size jars. I purchased the $27 set.


-Heart Attack: Cranberry/Maroon with blue shimmers
-Task Force: Similar to Heart Attack, but it is deeper and does not have the blue shimmer
-Shinigami: Deep purple with silver shimmer
-More Sugar: Purple toned taupe/brown.
-Heaven Nor Hell: Pigmented gunmetal gray

-Perfect World: Metallic mustard gold (If that makes any sense)
-Divine Justice: Reddish brown with gold shimmer (oddly one of my favorites of the collection)
-Mistrust: Cool toned, dirt brown (doesn't that sound appealing?) with gorgeous silver sparkles
-Detective: Taupe toned gray with blue shimmers/duo chrome
-Second Kira: Deep green-gray with beautiful gold shimmer (My absolutely favorite!)

There is a good variation on colors in the collection: reds, purples, golds, browns, and grays. I was really impressed with the more neutral colors, and slightly disappointed with the reds/purples. Heart Attack was the most unique of the three red/purple colors, mostly because of the blue shimmer.Task Force and Shinigami are nice but they could have been better since they were sheerer than the rest of the shades. The neutral colors (such as Divine Justice, Mistrust, and Second Kira) are absolutely phenomenal. They are very pigmented and very smooth. Divine Justice and Mistrust have a almost matte-like texture (very smooth, buttery and pigmented) but they do have shimmer and they are very easy to blend, unlike most matte eyeshadows.

In terms of color choices for the Death Note theme, I think it could have been a little better. I am surprised there isn't more dark colors (reds and blacks, and blues especially) But regardless, I still really like the colors. 

Good Things
Firstly, of course, they are inspired by the Death Note series. The names are cool too ^_^
I am impressed with the color variation and with how much I love a couple of the shadows particularly Second Kira, Divine Justice, Mistrust, and Heaven Nor Hell. These colors are extremely pigmented, smooth, blendable, and extremely gorgeous.
Ah, and don't forget, these eyeshadows are 100% Vegan and cruelty-free~

Bad Things
But, I am a little disappointed that the jars don't have a cool design on the top. The Pokemon and Zelda themed collections had a cool sticker on the lid, but this one doesn't. That really bummed me out.
(EDIT: Only the full size jars come with the cute stickers)
Also, I seem to have one big issue with the Shiro Cosmetics jars. I guess I always forget to ask if they could leave out the sifters in the jars. The jars are very generously packed with eyeshadow, and although this is a very good thing, it also prevents the eyeshadow from going through the sifter. I either have to shake the jar upside down vigorously in order to get the eye shadow to go through the sifter or to take out the sifter out. I prefer to do the latter, but it takes a little bit of time and patience.
Lastly, some of the colors will be a little sheer, so it would be better to use a primer or some sort of base under the sheerer shades (Heart Attack, Task Force, Shinigami, Perfect World)

More Swatches!

I love Second Kira! It is my favorite of all the shades~

Final Verdict
Although I am not in love with all the colors, this turned out to be a really great collection. I wish Shiro had put some Death Note themed stickers on the jar, but either ways I am happy to have a Death Note themed collection! I completely love some some of the shades from this collection, preferably Second Kira, Divine Justice, and Heaven Nor Hell. I recommend these colors from the collection because they are of excellent quality!
I am very content with my very first complete set from Shiro Cosmetics. I own some of the Pokemon and Zelda collections, but not all of them.

Rating: 8/10
Recommend? Definitely, especially if you are a Death Note fan or a fan of vegan makeup.
Repurchase? If I were to repurchase a color or buy a backup, it would be of Second Kira. It is hands down my favorite color.

Which is your favorite color from this collection? What color combos would you like to see in a EOTD?
Ah I definitely will be doing eye looks with these!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cult Nails 'Mind Control'

Mind Control~~ The third color from the Cult Nails Super Powers Collection. It is taking me so long to swatch these! I am truly sorry!

Mind Control is a very dark purple with purple/pink micro-glitter. The color is exactly the same as the Stila 'Little Black Dress' Smudge Pot! I was very excited to find out that the colors were the same because now I can match my nails my eye makeup :D I am such a dork!
Other than that, the color is not the most exciting thing. I love purples and I love shimmer, and this has both, but a lot of other people won't be overly excited over this color. 

Like the other Cult Nails polishes, this has a really great formula. It was opaque in two coats and it was not thick or watery. The colors lasts on my nails for a really long time as well and I have had no chips in the past days I have been wearing it.

The camera did no justice to the color. In person, it looks so much better!! The shimmers really pop in person, and the base color isn't as dark flat and dark as it looks in the photos.

Makeup Ban + Project 20 Pan + Mini Reviews

Hello lovelies~
I hope you guys are doing great! I finally settled in today, and I actually have time to do a few things I have been meaning to do for a while. One of those things is to update you all on my makeup ban and my P20P.

Makeup Ban
It has been about a month since I started my ban, and it has been going very well. If I said I had not purchased anything, I would be lying. I mentioned before that I bought two Revlon lipglosses, but I purchased them with a gift card so I didn't count them. Other than that, I haven't purchased anything makeup up related! I am so proud of myself, honestly. I will be continuing this makeup ban. But I think I will give myself a little break and purchase one thing for myself for Christmas.
I also mentioned that I might set up a goal for myself every week, and if I complete it, I would put $5 in a "makeup-buying fund." I did that, but I haven't been doing super good. I managed to complete two of my goals, which were to drink more water and to not get on elevators. So far I have $10 in my makeup fund. Very sad. I am thinking that I will update my makeup ban every month. I am very motivated to keep this going. I feel very good about actually using my makeup, and I hope this will motivate some of you to do the same~

Project 20 Pan - Completed!
Yes, I have completed my P20P! I am very happy~ Here is what I finished up and also a mini review on each product.

Skin Care