
Thursday, December 1, 2011

FOTD: Transition Metals and Amethyst Lips

Hii Lovelies!
I have been lacking in posts/comments and for that I am truly sorry. School has been so busy and I will not be free until next Wednesday. The little free time I do have has been dedicated to Skyrim. I am beyond obsessed with Skyrim @_@.

Anyways I have a FOTD that I have been loving. I already did a post of this a very similar FOTD before, but I have seriously loved this look! I have worn it so much this month, which is very odd for me since I don't tend to wear the same eye looks very often. You can see how to do the eye look HERE.
I also paired this look with a purple lip. In this case, I have been loving the Autralis lipstick in 'Limited Edition 1'. I absolutely love this lipstick!!! To all my Aussie bloggers, do you guys know if this color is still available?

*This is what I wore to Thanksgiving, in case you were wondering ;)

The above picture is me wearing only a little bit of the lipstick. Then, below, I wearing it completely opaque. Sorry for the lighting, but it is really dark outside and if I don't use flash, the pictures are way too dark.

Just a quick post to keep you updated on whats going on with me. I hope you all have a good day, and I will be back to my regular posting once I am done with finals ;)


  1. lovely lip color. the eye make up is nice as always ;-)

  2. That eyeshadow is hot! I'm seeing this look EVERYWHERE! I need to jump on the bandwagon, I guess, haha

  3. Good luck with your finals. ^^

    Lovely FOTD!! The lip color suites you well.

  4. your eye makeup is gorgeous!!! gl on your finals, hun!!!

  5. goodluck with your finals hun! :) you look pretty as always. ;)

  6. I still haven't tried an Australis lipstick yet, but I'll have to check this shade out! It looks gorgeous!

  7. Good luck on your finals! Lovely FOTD as usual.

    ps- my hubby is hooked on Skyrim as well :D


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