
Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 Resolutions

Happy New Years! I can't believe it is 2012 already! This year passed by so quickly.
The start of a new year means a fresh start for many of us. I myself have many goals for this year and I want to share them with all of you. Sharing my goals will motivate me to actually complete these goals.  If you see me slack off, I give you full permission to scream at me ^_^

1. Be more involved in the community
I mention this because I feel like I haven't done enough community service in my life time. I don't think I have mentioned this but starting next week I am going to be a tutor at a local high school for kids who are struggling with English (especially those who are learning English as a second language). I am not going to be paid for it, but it is a great opportunity for me to do some community service and to get experience. I hope it will be a learning experience for both the kids and myself.

2.Limit my spending
I have been doing a makeup up ban, and that has been going good so far. My goal for 2012 is to limit my spending and to start saving more money. Most of my spending goes to makeup and games, so I really have to stop hauling and start using the products I have already. That does not mean I will not buy any more makeup, but it will be limited to only a few products that I REALLY want.

3. Be more organized
My room is very cluttered, and I always put of organizing and cleaning my room. I will make a personal goal to make my room neater and cleaner. Not only will my room look better, but it will also allow more room for me to be able to study in my room without feeling cramped.

4.Be more healthy
I have complained a lot about wanting to lose some weight but I haven't been able to keep my weight down. I am actually at a good start since this last month I lost 5 pounds. I want to eat better and be more active. That way,I can tone my body slightly and be overall more healthy. I am trying to stay away from eating fast food, junk food, too much meat and sweets. I want to eat more veggies and try new, healthy recipes.

At the end of this month will be my blog's first year anniversary. After blogging for one year, I am hoping to have a giveaway. I also want to change things up a little. I am still trying to think of some changes so bear with me until I have some things in mind.
I want to blog often and interact with all of you. Finally, I want input from all of you. What do you want to read? What posts interest you?
On a side note, I have been thinking of either have a separate blog (or maybe a monthly post on this blog) about literature. I am thinking a detailed book review that will encourage people to think and maybe to read more books. What do you guys think?

6. School and Work
Most importantly, I want to dedicate 100% of myself to work and study. Last quarter I could have done much better in my studies, but I slacked off. This taught  me that I cannot slack off. Next week, I start a new quarter and I am going to be extremely busy. I still want to dedicate time to my blog, but school will be my priority.

7. Have some fun!
Finally, I want to have fun. This year I am turning 21 (finally) which means I will be able to go out to bars and clubs. One of my best friends, who is 22, has been waiting for me to turn 21 so we can actually go out to funner places where we can meet people.

So, what is your #1 goal for 2012? Do you have similar goals to myself? Or maybe something completely different?


  1. I think it's fantastic that you are going to be a tutor for kids who struggle in English. I was a tutor once and the experience was amazing when you see the kids' eyes light up when they understand something :) good luck to you! And congrats on losing 5lbs! That's great!

  2. love the list! happy new year!

  3. we have a lot of similar goals. i NEED to save way more money......and stop spending so much on trivial fun things.

    i think you should do the book thing, i love reading and finding new material!

  4. Your list is a bit like mine =) At least for the saving money (which im not so badd at !!) not buying too much makeup (which i used to be really bad at!) and eating heathy (which im not at all good at...).
    I'd like to do something for the comunity aswell and have already been giving a few clothes to charity shops and stuffs, I'm gonna have more thoughts about it =)
    I also need to find a job that I will enjoy, with better schedules so I can spend more time with my friends and my boyfriend without being tired all the time !

    And blog more is also one of my goals =D hehe !

    xxx Vee

  5. I totally support the separate blog for books! Reading more is one of my resolutions and I'd love to read your reviews on books that you've read and would recommend. :D


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