
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Current Skin Care Routine

Hello everyone~

I haven't done a post on my skin care routine before, so I wanted to have one up so you can see what I am using at the moment. I have been using this skin care routine for about 2 months or so (except for my morning cleanser), and for the most part it has been going well. I will talk about my skin issues is detail so you know why I am using these products.

Skin Issues
I have combination skin with active acne. My skin is very dehydrated and gets very flaky and dry, yet I can still get oily around my nose and chin. My biggest skin concern is acne and acne scarring. I first started to get acne about in the end of 11th grade in high school. 12th grade was when my acne was the worst. After high school, it got better. In fact, in my first year of college, most of my acne was gone. But the summer after my freshman year in college, it came back. My acne is very periodical, but when I do get breakouts, they are really bad. I have gone to the dermatologist, but I didn't have a good experience with the products they prescribed me. Most of the products I use are for dry/combo skin and some for acne. It is hard for me to find acne products that work for me because I have such dry skin and most acne medications not only make my skin peel and even drier, but they also make my acne worse. 

Skin Care Routine
-Nubian Heritage African Black Soap (for Acne, Detoxifying, and Healing) (makeupalley link)

-Artistry Day Time SPF Lotion

My morning routine is very simple: cleanser and moisturizer.I just started to use this African Black Soap bar, but I am liking it so far. It is an all natural and organic bar designed to treat acne, yet it is not drying. It has amazing reviews, so I am crossing my fingers that this will work well for me!
The Artistry Day Time lotion is a must: it offers enough moisture and SPF for everyday use.

-IS Clinical Cleansing Complex 
-Artistry Soothing Creme
My night time routine includes my makeup remover, Bioderma. I only recently started using Bioderma and so far I am really liking it for removing my face makeup.
The IS Clinical Cleansing Complex is a cleanser that removes impurities but does not dry out my skin. I am still unsure how I feel about this,but ever since I started using it, my face has broken out less (but is doesn't help when I get the terrible hormonal breakouts)
 The Artistry Soothing Creme is my favorite creme for the winter time. It is very moisturizing, but it is not heavy and sinks into my skin rapidly.

Weekly Treatments
-Neutrogena Acne Stress Control Power-Clear Scrub (3x's a week)
-Queen Helene Mint Julep Mask (Once a week or as a spot treatment for pimples) 
-Artistry Skin Peel (Once a week)

I have really loved the Neutrogena scrub and I am on my third tube! It is not too harsh on my skin and it gives my skin an amazing cooling sensation.
For masks, I am really just using the Queen Helene mask. I can't use it too often right now because I have dry skin, but it has helped me a lot for clogged pores and for acne. 
Once a week I also use the Artistry Skin Peel. It is very gentle and it helps to exfoliate the skin without harsh scrubbing. I haven't come to a conclusion about this product yet, but believe it makes my skin brighter, smoother, and radiant after using it.  
(The Tea Tree Oil I purchased was an epic fail! I will not be using it on my face again. Made me break out terrible and it did not help existing acne D:)

My Essentials
After trying so many skin care products, I have decided on some of my definite essentials. 
I definitely have to have the Neutrogena Anti-Stress Power Scrub. It has been my favorite exfoliator thus far and I highly enjoy using it. I also must have the Artistry Soothing Creme. It is my "go-to" moisturizer for the winter time. I have been using it for about three years now and it never disappoints me. 
The Queen Helene Mint Julep mask is something that I think I will be using for a long time to come. It is cheap and it gets the job done. 
And lastly, although I haven't been using Bioderma for very long, I am already very attached to it. I just ordered a 500ml bottle as a backup. Bioderma is definitely the easiest way to remove face makeup! Bye bye makeup remover wipes~ It was nice knowing you.

Final Thoughts
I am hoping to further improve my skin care routine to better suit my skin type. Being a beauty blogger means I am very exposed to all kinds of skin care products and skin care tips. I hope to learn more from you , my fellow beauty enthusiasts, because honestly I am not the best person to ask for skin advice. I am not perfect, and I certainly have my share of skin issues. So, I plead to you, if there are any skin care tips you can give me, feel free to comment below. Thank you ^_^

So, tell me, is there any advice you can give to a dry-skinned, acne-ridden person such as myself?


  1. The products look great!! Thanks for sharing nancy :)

  2. lots of products, but I'm glad they all work for you. your skin looks great ;-)

  3. thanks so sharing these products with us :)

  4. I have a Clarisonic Mia, I have spent $$$$ over the years on acne treatments... and the #1 most effective thing I've ever, ever used is La Roche-Posay Effaclar duo. You might find it a bit drying, I worry, but I cannot recommend it enough. My skin is night and day, re-texturized! I still get clogged pores and zits but mostly now I just have old dark spots and scars and pimples I do get go away in a couple days (used to hang around for weeks). It's definitely worth a try! I really want to try that Bioderma makeup remover ^.^

  5. Thanks for the product review.


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