
Friday, January 6, 2012

Fyrinnae Swatches and Review: Even More Fyrinnae!

Stay Tuned: Giveaway winner will be chosen over the weekend~

More Fyrinnae eyeshadows?? Yes! I am completely obsessed with the high quality and inexpensive price of Fyrinnae. Their shadows are pigmented and the colors are amazingly complex. I am continually sucked in by the prospect of finding really unique shades, and Fyrinnae has never disappointed me since they carry such unique colors.  Here is a lot of swatches and a review of my new shades!

Price and Availability
You can purchase these on the Fyrinnae website. Be warned that their web store is very frequently closed, so you have to be constantly vigilant.
I always purchase the sample sizes which are $2 per sample.

Nijiro: I believe Nijiro means "rainbow-colored" in Japanese. It is a fitting name since this is a gold-ivory with rainbow shimmers. It is lovely as a highlight or on the lid.
Sakura:  Sakura is the name for cherry blossoms in Japanese. This color is one of Fyrinnae's Ghost Shades and it is a beautiful iridescent pinky lavender. The color isn't super pigmented, but it isn't meant to be. This is lovely all over the lid or as a transition color.
Gilded Wings: An antique, molten gold. This is SUPER pigmented and rich. I have to thank Suzanne for blogging about this color since it made me want it!
Monarch Butterfly: A black base with loads of brown/coppery/red shimmer. It has a glowing nature to it and it is simply stunning. I have never seen a color quite like this. The photos do it absolutely no justice.
Mephisto: Mephisto (or Mephistopheles) is the name of a demon that first appeared in the story of Faust. I have to admit I was initially attracted to this shade because of the name (I love the Goethe's play of Faust!). This color left me speechless. It is an incredibly unique color. It's red, purple, gold, and black! It is a crazy cool color and it is definitely my favorite amongst all my Fyrinnae colors. Again, pictures do it no justice!

Envy Me: Taupe with a green duo-chrome. This is a very odd combination, but awesome none the less. It reminds me of colors like Te Amo and Damn Paladins (which are both taupe with a different color duo chrome).  This is very nicely pigmented and unique as well.
Jade Ghost: Another of the Ghost Shades, this is a white cast with a green iridescence. It is much less white in person and more iridescent.
Electric Stardust: One of the Magic Arcane shadows (so its suppose to change colors in different lighting). This one is a sparkly minty green. As for the change in color, I can't say I have seen a difference in color.
Dragon's Wing: An iridescent evergreen. I am surprised by how much I like this color. It is stunning in person! It has nice pigmentation and it is easily blendable.
Eternal Innocence: A dark evergreen with brighter green shimmers. I am rather disappointed with this shadow. I like the color, but the pigmentation is not all that great. I can definitely see in the swatches that it is the sheerest eyeshadow.

Dressed To Kill: I already owned this color before. It was a free sample from a previous order and I loved it. It is a deep Chartreuse green with loads of sparkles. It is incredibly pigmented and smooth~
Tyr: This was a free sample and I have to say...I love it. Like Dressed To Kill, it is really pigmented and smooth. Tyr is a dark mossy green that also also has a lot chartreuse sparkles.
Boytoy: Black base with green with blue glitter. This is VERY sparkly since it has micro-glitter.
Dokkalfar: Means Dark Elves. This is a black base with green, lime, and golden micro-glitter.

This is my fourth order of Fyrinnae, and I am still very impressed. I love most of the shades (with the exception of Eternal Innocence) and I am completely crazy for Mephisto! All the swatches were made without a base  and they are swatched over twice, so you can see how pigmented they are! If you like Vegan  and Indie makeup, definitely give Fyrinnae a try! Shipping doesn't take as long as they say it does either (I always get my packages within a week). I really do recommend Fyrinnae shadows~

Which of the colors above do you like the most?


  1. God, all your shades are incredible. I have one Fyrinnae eye shadow I received as a gift and I love the intensity of the color.

  2. OMG I want these!! My faves are Mephisto,Dragon's Wing,Dressed to Kill, Tyr, Boytoy, and Dokkalfar

    Really amazing swatches! How do you get such clear photos of the swatches? Every time I try my arm gets really tense from holding my camera up and they end up blurry.

  3. Oh baby. Amazing colours. I think I need Monarch Butterfly, Mephisto and Tyr!

  4. What part of your arm do you swatch them on? The top(hairy side) or bottom? I do mine on the side in between the two and it doesn't seem to work very well.

  5. I love the shade "dragon's wind" that's such a pretty green!

    Little Petite

  6. Wow, mephisto is amazing! I love how it looks in that photo of the jars *-*

  7. Monarchs butterfly & Mephisto from first lot are stunning!& I love Tyr, will try some of these when their shop re-opens!

  8. very pigmented and pretty shades

  9. Gorejuice~! The only reason I haven't yet indulged in Fyrinnae is I'd have to buy one of everything >_<

  10. All these are SO pretty !! My faves are Sakura, Wilded Wings, Mephisto and dressed to kill ! When I start buying makeup again I'll have a look on their website !

    xxx Vee

  11. I have Mephisto and Monarch Butterfly.
    I tend to go for dark colors with Fyrinnae, never realized how pretty their neutrals are, too.

  12. Mephisto is amazingggg~~ so pretty. *o*

  13. omg i love dressed to kill! I'm surprised to not see much purple hues in this post! :D

  14. Mephisto and the last four green ones are just so incredible I can't stand it. lol I've NEVER seen anything like them before! I'm not even into green on my eyes but far out I want them. lol

  15. pretty shade and very pigmented ;)

  16. wow these are insane, I haven't even heard of this brand... thank you Nancy for always introducing me to new and innovative cosmetics brands :)))

  17. Mephisto is seriously so amazing. I love the purple and copper in the eyeshadow. Sakura fits its name so perfectly too!

  18. Oh these are lovely! Especially Monarch Butterfly and Mephisto :)

  19. Oh, wow. These are stunning. Thank you for the lovely swatches!


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