
Sunday, February 12, 2012

10 minute Cosplay + KKCenterhk Wig

Today I was doing all my homework (I had a lot!) when a friend from school texted me. Like me, she is a huge anime lover and has a lot of friends who also love anime. She asked me if I wanted to go to a sort of Cosplay party. Truth be told, although I love Cosplay, I have never cosplayed myself. But I told her I would go and just do a Gothic Lolita inspired look. That is when I remembered I had a wig! I was sent a wig by KKCenterk, but I had not worn it. There was one huge problem though: she told me she would pick me up at my house in 15 minutes. I freaked out and immediately changed, did my makeup, and attempted to put the wig on. I wish I had had more time to make my  makeshift cosplay outfit a little better. But oh well, perhaps next time.

Firstly my outfit. I just wore a black dress that reminds me of Gothic Lolita dresses. I wore stockings and heels but I took this picture before I had them on.

I added a belt and a really awesome bat choker just for fun.
 The wig is really pretty~ It is a long, purple/blonde synthetic wig. You can find it HERE.
Here is a closeup so you can see the color. It is strand of a lavender-pink purple with strands of a silver blond. From far away it looks like it is a pale lavender. I adore the color ♥ In fact that wearing this wig, it reminded me of Rider from Fate Stay Night.
Sadly, I didn't have much time to fix the wig properly, so I just did the best I could.

As for my makeup, I did THIS look to match the purple hair.My main problem with not having enough time was that my eyebrows stand out too much. Because I have very dark eyebrows they obviously don't match the hair. If I was given more time, I could have covered them and colored them with a lighter, more appropriate color.

It was difficult to show how it looked. Under certain lighting, the wig will look very plastic-like. Also, I was in a huge hurry!

I wasn't any particular anime character, like I said, but it still is dressing up~ It was quite fun. I wish I had taken my camera to show you the other people's costumes but I totally forgot D;< But that okay! I am planning to go to some anime conventions this year, so I will mostly like be taking pictures then!

So yes I do like the wig! I just need more time to properly fix it! I can put it on again some other time to get better pictures :)


  1. Ahhh the wig is gorgeous! Close up, it looks really cool with the different coloured strands. :D

  2. Omg the wig totally completes the look! The dress is so cute! :) You did a great job in all ^^

  3. you are looking so pretty Nancy, love the wig<3

  4. The color is really pretty! I think you did a great job for only 10 mins :D I've been to an anime convention before, but didn't cosplay. My bf wants us to go as Squall and Rinoa from FF8 one day haha :P

    1. Wah that would be so cute! You should totally do the cosplay~

  5. It's really cool that it has strands of different colors. It makes it look more realistic, even though it's purple!

  6. Purple Wig!!!! <333333

    xoxo, maria

  7. You are looking awesome in that purple wig!!

  8. The bat choker is really pretty! I like that the wig has strands of different colours, it makes it look a lot more natural. :]

    1. SO true~ It isn't too noticeable from far away, but up close the strands are obvious.

  9. I'm not much for cosplay but that purple wig looks really really good on you! And the lippie is just <3!

  10. you look hooooot in that wig honey!! sooooo pretty :)))


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