
Saturday, February 4, 2012

A Case of Mistaken Identity

Hello lovelies~

Once in a while, I like to share a small anecdote from my life. Yesterday, I saw a young woman who I had in my Japanese course last quarter and it reminded me of an incident that occurred while I was in that class. I never shared what happened, because I wasn't sure what to think of it at the time. But now that I can reflect on the experience, I want to share it with you all.

     This was about 6 weeks into my last quarter, about four weeks before my winter vacation. I was taking Japanese at the time, and I had the class every morning at 9 a.m. One day (it was a Wednesday) I was talking to a few classmates after class, when a girl whom I barely knew (the girl who I mentioned in the beginning) came up to me. She asked me if she could speak to me in private. I was puzzled, because I did not know her and had never even spoken to her before. But none the less, I agreed. I said good-bye to my friends and I walked with her to a secluded area of the building.
     She turns around and right away starts bawling and tells me, "I know it's you, slut. I know you are the one who is having sex with my boyfriend." You can imagine I was surprised and confused. Being called a slut by some random person was something that has never happened to me. I was calm though as told her, "I think you have me mistaken for someone else. I have no idea what you are talking about." She then stopped sobbing, and contorted her face and she started yelling at me. "Don't play stupid with me. We both know you are the one who is whoring around with him. All I want from you is to apologize to me and to admit that what you did was wrong." I honestly did not know what to say to her, so again I remained calm and told her, "Look, I seriously don't know who you are nor do I know who your boyfriend is. I don't "whore" around. I think you should settle down and really think about what you are saying. You don't know me, so how can you accuse me?" She just kept looking at me, angry. I asked her if she was okay, and then left to my next class.
     The next morning, I went to my Japanese class like usual. I noticed the girl was glaring at me the entire class. I just shrugged it off. If she didn't believe me then that was her problem. During that quarter, there was a Japanese exchange student and tutor with whom I was especially close to. He became a really good friend of mine and I often hung out with him. After class I occasionally went to see him at the tutoring room to either get help with homework or just to talk to him. After that morning's class, I decided to go and see him. While I was walking to the building, I noticed the girl was following me. I ignored her and went on my way. When I got to the tutoring room I was getting help from my tutor, and I eventually realized that the girl was standing in the hallway and she was just staring at me. She unnerved me so I decided to get up and close the door. When I was done, I left the room and went to my next class. She was still outside when I left but she didn't follow me.
Later that day, I got a text from my tutor. He asked me if he wanted to hang out, to which I agreed. We were just talking when he mentioned something. He said that the day before, after I had left the tutoring room, another girl had entered. He said that she asked him if we were in a relationship and if he liked me. He thought it was odd, so he just replied that we were only friends. I am not sure what else happened, since I wasn't there. But according to him, she pretty much tried to rape him xD Hahaha. In order words, she came on to him and offered to have sex with him. He, being a shy and honest guy, was really freaked out. He said no to her. He then told me that she became angry and shouted at him "why do you all like her better?!" She then left. After he told me this, I told him that the same girl thought I was sleeping with her boyfriend.
    The next day I was resolved to talk to her. I couldn't believe she has accosted my friend. Before I could say anything to her though, she said to me "You win" and then left. I eventually managed to talk to her again, and she apologized to me. She told me that her boyfriend of 3 years had dumped her for someone else. And she was so angry she had to take it out on someone else. She said the girl who her boyfriend dumped her for looked like me, so she decided to take it out on me. I felt sorry for her so I told her it was okay.
    My friend, trying to be funny, told me I should have said to her "Now I have them both! Bwahaha!" That would have been funny, but really fucked up as well.

So that is my story of mistaken identity. Now I realize that sometimes, people like to blame others instead of coming to terms with the reality of their situation. Has anyone else had a similar experience?


  1. W-ooooooow. I've been mistaken for someone else probably more times than the average person (usually once a month!) but this definitely takes the cake. Crazy! You seemed to be very diplomatic during all that craziness, kudo's to you for that.

    1. Haha seriously. I should get an award for that.
      Wow, that often? That is insane!

  2. ha ha ha, yes too many times (in the past-way past) . you took it all very well, had that been someone else (me) she would have been told off then slapped ;-)

    1. LOL! Well, I am a rather apathetic person, and I am usually very calm with people who are angry.
      I wouldn't be surprised if someone else would have slapped her ;)

  3. Oh wow. That's crazy. I don't get why people attack others over their personal problem. Even IF you had been the girl, how would she know you even knew who she was or if the guy had a girlfriend? At least it didn't blow up more, like into a physical thing. Sucks though. Glad you worked it out!

    1. Yeah it was such a weird thing. I am not sure why she couldn't have worked it out better!
      And true, if I had been the girl who was with her bf, maybe I would have been a victim too.

  4. Wow, I've never experienced that. You're quite a kind person to be sympathetic to her, but she was really acting crazy. I would have been freaked out that she might snap or something! Well, I'm glad you're ok and she seems to be coping better.

    1. Yes! A lot of my friends were like "how could you have not been freaking out over such a crazy person!"
      But maybe I handled it well? It could have been worse.
      She definitely is coping. She said hi to me normally when I saw her.

  5. You are so nice not to go crazy on her. I've never been mistaken for someone else before but that would've been the craziest thing ever! u handled it like a pro :)

  6. Wow, some people are so odd. Taking things out on you because you look like someone that hurt her?

    I really wish I could read minds sometimes, I'd love to know what goes on in peoples head when they do crazy stuff like this.

  7. I have never been through anything like that and I think you dealt with it so well. I know I would have been so frightened having someone follow me around like that. I am glad it is all sorted for you now. x

  8. That is awful! For me, it wasn't an instance of mistaken identity, it was just a painful experience. My senior year of highschool, I had only a few friends because the year before I lost a lot of friends from a rumor about me that was false. Anyways, these few friends convinced me to go to prom to hang out with them. I did, but everytime I went to their table to hang out, they were gone. So, I would just stay to wait for them and hang out with their dates they lef behind. One of which was one of my friends. When I got back to school after a two week spring break for me (one for everyone else), one of my really good friends warned me about rumors flying about me again. I went over to my friends in the morning really excited to share our spring break experiences and they were standoffish with me. Then they were talking about how one of their dates was getting hit on repeatedly by a girl at prom. I was ready to help them find out who it is! Theywere telling me that her date wouldn't say who it was and I thought that was weird, but ok. In the middle of the day, it hit me witth how they were acting with me and I almost cried my eyes out. She thought it was me who was the girl hitting on her (honestly, very unattractive) boyfriend. One of my other friends who didn't hang out with us at the dance saw him looking at my chest a lot and me talking to him whenever she passed by and passed it to my friend. Her date said it was true, I was hitting on him. The only thing I talked about with that guy was bowling. I was beyond pissed off and heartbroken that it happened again. Talk about an awesome senior year of high school.

  9. Nancy, you've handled it very well! It was an awful experience and I feel terribly bad for the other girl.


  10. Nancy what an awful thing to go through, but you handles it in a mature manner which is commendable. For her to even admit that she just wanted to take it out on someone that looked like this girl indicates the ex-girlfriend inquestion has very serious issues to deal with. Stay safe young lady, and if anyone ever wants to talk in private, make sure you have someone closeby or that can see you from afar. x

  11. that girl was psychotic...then to accost your friend too? wow

  12. wow, sounds like she has a borderline personality disorder... why would anyone in their right mind take out their frustrations on a complete stranger?! I'm glad you made it out ok and handled it maturely. Good for you! :))


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