
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Guest Post: 3 Ways To Wear Coral Lipstick

 Here's something new: the first ever Guest Post on The Dark Side of Beauty! Stacey from The Makeup Edition was kind enough to agree to being the first Guest Blogger~ Stacey is a beautiful woman, inside and out, and extremely charismatic. If you have not checked her blog out yet, you are missing out! She has an amazing ability that makes every lipstick color look awesome on her, she has beautiful lip swatches, and an impeccable taste in fashion. So, what are you waiting for? Go check her blog out.
Thank you so much Stacey for joining the Dark Side!

Hi everyone! I'm Stacey from over at the very lipstick-orientated, The Makeup Edition blog. The awesome Nancy has kindly invited me over to guest post here today so I want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone for having me and Nancy, you rock! Fingers crossed you won't regret this! :P

So of course the topic that I bring to you all today is *drumroll* lipstick! Corals has got to be my ultimate Spring/Summer go-to and I somehow always manage to find room in my overflowing lipstick collection for a new coral lippie. The shade is vibrant, fresh, fun to wear and looks very flattering across many people. I generally find corals fitting to whatever makeup I have on or to what outfit I'm wearing, and it never fails to brighten up my overall look. Below are 3 of my favorite ways to rock a coral lipstick...

1. Keep it minimal!

There's no better way to wear a bright coral lipstick than to let it have ALL the attention. Simply add a little blush and mascara (foundation optional), then finish up with your favorite coral lipstick. Easy! The brightness of the shade will naturally take center stage!

2. Color block it!

I think it's safe to say that the color blocking trend is still going strong. So have a little fun with your makeup and brighten up you face with come color! I usually like to keep a color blocked look soft, just because I don't want any element to dominate another, but if you are going for vibrant eyes plus a vibrant lip - work it girl!

3. Add a little gold & glamor.

I love wearing gold eyeshadow. I find it to be one of the easiest ways to add a little sparkle to the eyes and it's definitely one of those it-looks-good-with-everything shades. To further enhance this look, add a pair of falsies!

I hope you guys liked my looks! :) What's your favorite way to wear coral? Also, what is your favorite coral lipstick? Thanks again Nancy for having me - I hope I did your blog proud!


As always, all the lippies look amazing on you Stacey! Thank you so much for being the first Guest Blogger~ For more information on Guest Posts, check the Guest Post Tab.


  1. love her blog, great lipstick shades ;-)

  2. Aww! Its great to see two of my favorite bloggers in one place! This is a great idea Nancy and you look amazing as usual Stacey!

    Fav coral lippie is BB Coral Pink. The Creamy Lip Color formula is one of my favorites.

    1. Thank you! That is such a huge compliment. Props to
      Stacey for choosing such great shades~

    2. Huge compliment indeed! Thanks so much Charisse! :D

  3. coral is such a beautiful color and I think it looks fab with yellow undertone or asian skin! Looks great on you, esp the chanel one!

  4. Love Stacey's blog <3 Coral lippies look gorgeous on you!!!!

  5. i loved all 3 looks!!! can't wait to try out these looks for spring. love the guest post :D

  6. Wow, Stacey really rocks all those coral lippies! The Chanel one is particularly lovely. <3

  7. I wish corals suited me better. Stacey looks great though. Color me jealous. <3

  8. What a great post!!! It makes me want to jump up, get showered, and slather some coral lipstick on :)

  9. Coral looks very lovely on her :)

  10. all the looks are very pretty! :) nice guest post.

  11. I LOVE coral lipstick ! I especially love it with my orange hair =D I think it clashes in a nice way when I wear it :p I usually go for a cream eye shadow and a black liner a bit thiker then usual. Nothing too muxh ! I want the lips to get all the attention =) hehe

    xxx Vee

  12. Great job, Stacey! I need a coral lipstick and I love all the options you provided. I'll probably end up doing Look #1 but it's good to have the other options as well. :)

  13. I'm bookmarking this!!! I love all three lipsticks and must have them all!! Great guest post :))

  14. Thanks everyone for all your sweet comments! And again Nancy, thanks so much for this opportunity, can't wait to see all your guest posts! :)


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