
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Haul + First Impression: Lime Crime Lipglosses and 'My Beautiful Rocket'

Did I mention I did horribly in February when it came to my supposed makeup ban? Well if I haven't said it already, I will say it now. I did HORRIBLE! I have been so stressed out because of school, and with finals in two weeks, and 10 page papers, which will not be writing themselves, waiting to be written, I am at the point where I want to rip out the hair from my scalp. When I am stressed, I turn to makeup. I vent any unneeded emotions into buying makeup and blogging about it. Very healthy, right? (sarcasm, anyone?)
So, I can't even remember why, but I had the genius idea that I needed more lip products! When I think lip products, I usually turn to MAC, Revlon, or Lime Crime.
There is one product from Lime Crime I had not tried yet: their lip glosses. I was interested to I ended up buying a couple of things.
I feel like I have to mention this in every Lime Crime post I make. If you don't like Lime Crime, then don't buy it. I personally have had very positive experiences with LM, and I have loved their products, especially their lipsticks. I buy these with my own money, and no one else pays for them. I would not repeatedly spend my hard earned money and something that I didn't like. Anyways, here is the stuff I got :)

The box! I love the cute packaging. Some people say they don't get their items in the cute box, but I have always received either this purple box or the blue one.

 I also received a sticker~ I have never gotten extra stuff before so that was pretty awesome.
 Not only a sticker, but I also received a generous sample of their eye primer. I am very excited to try it! And I am honestly surprised to see a sample included.
1. Carousel Glosses
Here is the main reason for my haul. I purchased two colors: Candy Apple and Kaleidoscope. 
Candy Apple: A bright, blood red with gold sparkles. 
Kaleidoscope: A dark purple with tons of blue and pink shimmers.
 Quick swatches of the two colors.
Kaleidoscope   /   Candy Apple

So far, from applying them a couple of times, I have to say I much prefer Candy Apple. That is a big surprise for me because I love purple! Although I like Kaleidoscope, the texture is thicker and harder to apply that Candy Apple. Candy Apple is absolutely stunning and perfect. I want to have a proper review/lip swatches for both, but for know you can see how Candy Apple looks on my lips in my Pokemon looks (although those pictures do Candy Apple no justice). I can't say I fully recommend Kaleidoscope yet, I will have to work with it more and see how I it applies best. But Candy Apply is a MUST if you love red lips. The color just screams GLAMOR!

2. My Beautiful Rocket Lipstick
This is a color I have been meaning to get for a long time. Since spring is pretty much here, and orange is a hot trend, I thought I might as well get it. 
My Beautiful Rocket is a bright orange. It can have some red undertones, but I think that will really depend on your skin tone. On me, it is a little tiny bit red, but for the most part it is a true orange. The swatch looks way more red that it really is.

The formula is really nice, but if you have very dry lips it can emphasize it more. This is very creamy and pigmented, but like the rest of the Lime Crime lipsticks. I am very happy with the color. I was afraid it would be like Revlon's Siren or MAC's Korean Candy which both look way more red than orange on my lips. I think once I dye my hair black, this will look even better on me.

So that is all. I want to try these out more and have proper swatches and review. I still have to review my other LM lipsticks too, but I am a little behind on that! I will try to have them up soon ^_^


  1. Lime crime is soo awesome, the glosses look amazing!

  2. that orange shade in your Rocket Lipstick is perfect for spring/summer :) goodluck with your papers!!

  3. love lime crime lipsticks, i want to try these glosses as well ;-) very pretty

  4. Their lip products looks promising! I think this brand is not yet available here in the Philippines I don't even see any online sellers carry this product. Hopefully soon :)

  5. hahaha! i also did horrible on trying not to buy makeup. :p candy apple is such a pretty shade so it justifies not sticking to ban.

  6. wow, these lip glosses are so intense!!

  7. I'd been wanting to try out Lime Crime for a while... think I'm going to do a small haul soon. ;)

  8. wow great haul!! and omg i love the unicorn on their packaging lol the orange lipstick is so awesome!

    good luck w school & all those papers!! hang in there xoxo

  9. I've been meaning for MONTHS to get myself dome Lime Crime makeup, but I'd have to buy a few items for it to be worth the shipping cost. And my pay slit wont justifie it at the moment =D But I have my eyes on a few of their lipsticks and lip glosses !

    This red looks so vibrant ! It would almost be a shame to wear other lip product for a red lips !

    xxx Vee

  10. I've never heard of this line before. I'll have to check it out!


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