
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

New Domain!

As I mentioned last week, I got my own domain! this is super exciting for me xD The new URL is up and running now. I am not sure if this will cause weird things to happen on my blog, so if we see anything that is not working or something that is off, please tell me! I still wish to do much more to my blog. I would really love to re-design it, but I am unfortunately terrible at those types of things. Either ways, having my own domain is a step closer to my ideal blog/website!

Thank you all so much! ♥  I hope that I will be able to bring about more changes so stay tuned~


  1. Yay! Congrats on the change! :D TBH, I don't think i'd even notice the change if you didn't announce it, lol. Everything looks the same, so i guess it's a smooth transition. :)

  2. How do you get your own domain?


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