
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Shiro Cosmetics EOTD: Beyond the Fence

Hello dearies ♥
How have you been? I have another The Hunger Games inspired look for you all today. The arrangement for the colors was inspired by my Vileplume look, except this is much more wearable since it doesn't have those white spots! I REALLY love how this came out! I hope you guys do too :)

A little explanation of my look: I wanted to have the lashes represent the fence around district twelve. On one side is the sunshine, forest, nature, and freedom (the lid). And on the other is the coal mines, poverty and repression (the lower lash line).

Products Used
-Lime Crime Eyeshadow Helper
-Shiro Cosmetics 'Rebellion' (lower lash line)
-Dolly Wink liquid liner
-Maybelline Illegal Length mascara
-KKCenterhk ES A613 Lashes

Keep reading for more photos...

These are all beautiful colors! I especially love how Beyond the Fence and Cornucopia look together ♥

Which is your favorite color?


  1. UGH I can't wait for my Shiro Hunger Games shadows to come in!! The look is gorgeous doll! :D

  2. beautiful shades you have used and blended them so well.

  3. so beautiful! I can totally see the idea behind this!

  4. STUNNING! I lovelovelove this look <3 Want to go home and attempt it!

  5. this is so pretty

  6. Beautiful colours on you!

  7. i luv your looks, they are always fun, and i luv how you incorporate part of the book into your looks, you look fantastic


  8. Awesome idea! Love the green & gold combo.

  9. this is fierce honey!! I would wear this look in a heartbeat, matter of fact, I just might!!

  10. super pretty =) Its a very good idea to get the lashes to act as the fence =) !!!

    xxx Vee

    ps: I havent had much time for commenting or even blogging lately, sorry about that !


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