
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Victorian Disco Review: Crystalline Affections 'Wakka x Lulu'

Hello dear readers~ I am excited to bring you another Victorian Disco Cosmetics review. This brand has quickly crawled its way into my heart ♥ I love the geekiness of them and of course the eyeshadows themselves. After talking to the owner, Ashley, for a bit I can tell how dedicated she is to her customers and to her business. I highly suggest that you check the VDC Facebook page for daily updates, swatches, and more.

Crystalline Affections Collection 
 A collection inspired by Final Fantasy. Specifically, these are duos that represent some of the characters as a romantic couple. Super cute and unique!

Price and Availability
You can find these at the Victorian Disco Cosmetics Etsy store.
Full Size Duo - $8
Mini Size Duo - $4    
(I bought this on sale for $5)

Super cute! Love the stickers on the jars! Remember that only the full size jars come with the stickers.
This is actually Tidus x Yuna but you can get an idea of what the packaging looks like.


Image from Wikipedia

Lulu (My favorite FF character, appearance wise)
Image from Wikipedia

Wakka - a metallic rusty copper that pulls very orange. 
Lulu - Blackened purple with an almost silverish cast with purple glitter and multi-colored shimmer.

Look at the shimmer in Lulu! <33333

     I originally purchased this duo because of Lulu. I am a fiend for anything purple, and Lulu caught my eye. But the star of the duo is most certainly Wakka! It is soooo pigmented and lovely. I have various coppers/oranges, and this tops most of them. The unqiueness of Wakka comes from its brightness and glowy nature. I mean, look at it! It looks fiery and and metallic!
     Lulu is absolutely stunning it its own way too. It looks different from different angles. As you can see from the swatches, the shimmers and glitter really pop at certain points, and at others, it looks more silver. I couldn't capture it well on my camera, but this also has a blacker and more purple look in most angles.
    I could only think of one negative thing of this duo and it is about Lulu. Lulu is pigmented like Wakka, but it tended to blend out a little more that I wished; I had to be a little careful not too over blend it. Other than that, there two are perfect!  And I surprisingly love the using them together. I will have an eye look up soon.

Rating: 9.5/10 

Eye Looks

Check out a tutorial for this Eye Look using these two colors HERE.

And this simpler look HERE

Are you a Final Fantasy fan? Which of these two colors is your favorite?

Check out a Eye Look using these two colors HERE.


  1. Oh wow I love their packaging, really reminds me of the final fantasy covers! The colours are beautiful too. :3 They're so pigmented in the swatch.

  2. These look so pigmented! Lulu is super shimmery and really unique - can't wait to see how you incorporate these!

  3. So gorgeous! I have this set as well, but I'm ashamed to admit I haven't properly played with it, yet! I too was initially drawn to Lulu, but I'm keen to see what I can do with Wakka. ^.^

    1. :D Definitely have some fun with these and see what you can do with them~

  4. Wow... I hate loose (i.e. MAC's metal pigments, whatever their official name is, and Bare Minerals shadows) but these look amazeballs and I am crushing on them hard now... argh!

    1. Haha it seems many people share your thoughts. I personally love loose shadows. But yeah the colors are amazing!

  5. Ooh, I love how these colors look! Lulu is so pretty, I love anything purple as well. :D

  6. I have some samples I need to review of this company. You just made me really excited to get down to it. <3

    1. :D I can't wait to see what you think of them!

  7. OMG girlies, you are on a roll with i like both colours they are very pretty, and i agree wakka is more eye catching, but both colours are very pretty~~~



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