
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Guest FOTD: Jackie's Simple Twiggy Look

I have been blogging for a little over a year now, and I feel the need to show you guys a little more of my life. The best way to do that, I thought, was to ask one of my best friends to do a FOTD for you all. This look was done at the same time I did my Modern Twiggy look.

Before anything, let me introduce you to my friend Jackie (aka Jax or, my personal favorite, the Jackinator). We have been friends since high school and have maintained a strong friendship since then. Us two, along with two other friends, we like to be hyper and crazy people. Yup, I swear we should not be allowed to be out in public. So basically I love this girl to death and I am glad she approved the use of the following pictures! Jackie is by all means a basic makeup user, not at all like me. She likes to keep it simple and therefore is still learning new methods of applying makeup. This was her first attempt at the Twiggy look and I think she did a fantastic job!

Products Used
-black eyeshadow (can't remember which she used!)
-Dolly Wink liquid liner
-Maybelline Illegal Length mascara
-KKCenterhk ES A533

As far as products used on the face, I know she is wearing MAC Vegas Volt lipstick (although she said she didn't like how it looked on her), and she is wearing blush but that is all.

You can see my messy room in the
 On an unrelated point...look at the pretty colors in her hair!

Hope you all liked it!


  1. Jackie you did an awesome job in pulling off this Twiggy look! It looks great on you! :D

  2. I love her hair colors! I'm surprised she's just a basic makeup user... she's obviously better than me at applying false eyelashes!

  3. She did a really good job! I love how Vegas Volt looks on her too. Sigh... she makes me want to add streaks to my hair! lol soon, soon.


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