
Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Lipstick Compendium: YSL Rouge Volupte Perle #112 'Spellbinding Violet'

Hii ♥

I thought I would get right into reviewing the stuff from my last haul. This is the third YSL Rouge Volupte I have purchased, and the second one I own. The last one I had purchased was #108 Celestial Mauve, and although I had loved the color, it just did not work for me. It was patchy and gross on my lips. This one, though, has proved to be better.

Price and Availabilty
$34. I purchased this at my local Nordstrom, but you can find it where ever YSL in sold.

Spellbinding Violet is a dark plum with gold and violet shimmer. It is very creamy and glossy. It can be applied sheer or built up for an intense violet color. Overall I have not found this color to be drying on my lips, although if I have some dry areas this will emphasize them a little. I like that this can be worn without a lip liner, but at the same time I feel that this can slide around a bit on my lips so perhaps wearing a lip liner would be a good idea. 

 Bare lips:
With Spellbinding Violet:

YSL Rouge Volupte lipsticks are expensive. Since I have already had a bad experience with one, I was a little weary of buying another one. But I love this color so very much! It is definitely more of a fall/winter color, but it doesn't matter to me. I adore purple lipsticks and this is simply a beautiful color.
 The formula is alright, it could be a little bit better. It slides nicely on too my lips, but I have to be careful that it won't move around too much. The longevity of the color isn't ha I would like; maybe 2-3 hours at most. 
The smell of the lipstick is typical of YSL; a rose, watermelon scent. I personally love the scent!

Rating: 8/10

What is your opinion of this shade of lipstick?


  1. for my very light color not the same color in the tube.
    Kisses from Panama <3

  2. What a bold lipstick shade! I don't think I have a lavender shade lipstick in my collection yet! You suit purple shades so well Nancy!

  3. This. Is. Gorgeous! The swatch looks like grape candy <3 Wanttt

  4. I've been tempted by these, but so far resisted... you might have sold me just hearing about the scent! That sounds right up my alley! ^.^

  5. This looks quite different when applied, but lovely nonetheless! Oh Nancy you are making me want all these purple lipsticks! lol

  6. SUCH a beautiful color. Definitely applies differently than the color you see in the tube, but I still love it! Fantastic shade!


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