
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Unbound Eden Cosmetics EOTD: Nirnroot

Good afternoon ^_^

I've been playing around with the shadows samples I received from Unbound Eden Cosmetics. I came up with a few looks and this is my first one. I decided to name it Nirnroot after one of the eyeshadows I used and because the look felt very ethereal, much like the plant itself. I hope you like it!

You can see my review of the eyeshadows HERE.

Products Used

-ELF Eyelid Primer
-Unbound Eden Cosmetics 'Nirnroot' (lid)
-Unbound Eden Cosmetics 'Azura's Star' (crease)
-Unbound Eden Cosmetics 'Skooma' (lower lash line)
-Dolly Wink liquid liner
-Urban Decay 24/7 Pencil Liner 'Perversion'
-Maybelline Illegal Length mascara
-KKCenterhk ES A598 Lashes

Oops, didn't realize I has a piece of lash glue on my lashes :(

I really like how the three colors look together, especially the two greens on the lid. 'Skooma' on the lower lash line looks more purple than pink here because I had smudged some black liner on my lash line and then placed Skooma over it.

Thank you for reading :)

What do you think of these three colors together?


  1. I always love to see your eye makeup, you are very talented.

  2. Love the purple. And the 'cut crease' sort-of looks are SO fantastic on your lid shape <3

    1. Thank you! I have been experimenting with the crease looks more recently~

  3. Lovely colour combo. :3 The green is very ghostly, wonderful. ^^

    1. I love the combo too. Yes! The green has this iridescent, haunting quality to it.

  4. Wow! Nirnroot is so unique! I'm really going to have to check this brand out! <3

  5. That light green is awesome! It's something I imagine Elves from LOTR would wear

  6. Nancy, you really have to do a video tutorial. You're really good with this :) Hugs

    1. Actually, I am working on that. I will be moving to a bigger house sometime soon, which means I will have more room and perhaps a space where I could film a video tutorial. :D

  7. This is such a pretty look Nancy! I love how the green and purple shades look together too :D

  8. the light green is GORGEOUS, i want that shade!


Thank you for taking the time to comment <3 I appreciate every single comment I receive ^_^