
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Victorian Disco Review: Rococo Roller Rink

Following up the Galaxy collection swatches, here are some swatches from the Victorian Disco Rococo Roller Rink collection. I only previously had one color, Revolutionary Ball, but it was recently reformulated. Ashley was awesome enough to send me the new formulation along with some new matte shades from the collection!

Swatches + Colors
Mattes (swatched dry on bare skin)

Boudir - matte dusty pink. One swatch of this is a tiny bit sheer, but two swatches makes it opaque. Overall a very buildable shade. I like this color because it is a muted down pink that can still be wearable.
Pastry Dish - matte dusty pink-toned purple. This is the second most opaque color next to Dowry. It can also look different depending on the light. I find that sometimes it looks more pink and other times more purple.
Madam Royal - a purple-toned blue. This was the sheerest of the mattes, but it is a very pretty blueberry shade.
Dowry - super pigmented forest green. This is so rich and smooth. One swatch was incredibly pigmented! I love this, especially because the dark green really compliments my brown eyes.

Shimmery shades... (swatched with a damp brush)

Revolutionary Ball - black base with incredible green/teal shimmer. This is such a great shade! It is beautiful and pigmented. Lovely color!
Symmetrical Garden - medium-toned green with green shimmer and sheen. This is a magical color! Look at it~ So shimmery and it looks like pixie dust! This one was surprisingly pigmented. I thought it would have been sheerer since it is very sparkly.

Look at the shimmer!

     The addition of mattes into the VDC line is great! I know many people will appreciate the fact that they can choose from different finishes. The mattes will be great to use alone or in combination with shimmery colors. I really recommend Dowry! It is fabulous. My least favorite matte is Madam Royal, only because it was the sheerest. I am actually loving Boudir because I was looking for a color just like it to do my Princess Zelda look. I can see that some people might find the mattes shades a bit frustrating to use though. It really will depend on your own preference. I personally prefer non-matte shades (shimmer, glitter, sparkle) so I am naturally not as excited for mattes. Dowry is awesome though!
     For the other two shimmery shades, there is nothing to complain about! They are both beautiful shades. Symmetrical Garden is perfect for spring! I already wore it out and it brightens up my eyes because it has that strong green sheen. 

Rating: 9/10

What do you prefer? Matte or shimmery eyeshadows?

*Products mentioned were samples sent to me for review/swatching purposes. All opinions are my own.


  1. Gosh, all of the are amazing! You are making me antsy to finally get my order in! EEEK! Those matte shades are exceptional! And the new Revolutionary die for! Again, thanks for the swatches! :D

  2. Wow revolutionary ball, such an amazing colour,I see flecks of orangey-gold in there too!

  3. The matte shades look so smooth! I especially love Pastry Dish and Madam Royal! The shimmery shades look so pretty too. Great collection!

  4. my goodness the mattes!!! they look like they don't even need primers!! wow!!

  5. HOLY SHIT. Boudir, Pastry Dish and Madam Royal are stupid-gorgeous. I want to smother myself in Pastry Dish. lol

    And Revolutionary Ball. <33


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