
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

EOTD: Emerald Sands

Well hello there!

Have you noticed my recent obsession with greens lately? I feel like I have been gravitating towards "emerald" shades recently @_@. Maybe because green is amazing for brown eyes!
This is the makeup look I had on yesterday. I didn't have time to post it though so that is why it is a day late! I was inspired by Lime Crime's Facebook Makeup Mission Monday's. This week's mission is colored liner, in light of the upcoming LC liquid liners. I love colored liner, especially with a neutral eye.

Products Used

-ELF Eyelid Primer
-Victorian Disco 'Sin'Dorei' (lid)
-Victorian Disco 'Shepard's Gate' (crease)
-Victorian Disco 'The Earth Warder' (outer v)
-Victorian Disco 'Zangermarsh' (inner corner)
-Wet n Wild white pencil liner
-Lancome Artliner 'Beach Gem'
-Dolly Wink black liquid liner
-Prestige My Biggest Lashes mascara
-KKCenterhk ES A500 Lashes

Emerald Sands Look

Is this something you could wear? I find that this is a smokey look that is really awesome for brunettes. I wore this yesterday and I received many compliments. It was weird but one of my professors complimented my makeup :0 It was so odd! It was flattering because she is my favorite professor, but creeped me out that a professor would compliment my makeup xD


  1. super pretty makeup look

  2. this is a very beautiful eye look, I love the emerald liner :)

  3. Jewel tones look lovely on your eyes. ^^ Especially emerald. xD It's even better when your professor notices haha.

  4. it looks really nice...i would love to see full look wearing this eye makeup

    1. Thank you!
      Sorry, I will try to wear this look again and take some full face photos =3

  5. Oh I love this! I agree, green is AWESOME for our eye color. I really like this and may experiment with a similar look, myself :p agree that it's cool but kinda creepy that your professor commented on it! Haha

    1. Yes! Try it out, I am sure it will look amazing on you :)

  6. I would mos def wear this! Lovely <3

    1. Than you Sarah! I would love to you see wear this!

  7. i just love having brown eyes, they make all colors pop :D green, blue, purple, gold...looks fab

  8. Very pretty! I love pairing green with brown. :)

  9. I'd def wear this! The added green liner is just lovely!


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