
Friday, May 4, 2012

FOTD: May the Fourth Be With You

Happy Star Wars Day everyone! Hope you are having a great day. I am enjoying this day by watching the original Star Wars trilogy~
Not my image. Found on Google search.

In light of this awesome "holiday", I decided to go full out Star Wars geek today. I took my Darth Vader backpack to school, put on my Darth Maul shirt, my Star Wars belt, my Galactic Empire earring, and of course, use my VDC Star Wars themes eyeshadows!

Eye Looks

I had to different looks on today. First this simpler one for when I went to school.

I used: VDC 'Lightsaber', 'The Force, Use It', 'Do the Jabba, Jabba', a matte black, mascara, and liquid liner.

Then this slightly altered look for the evening. I added UD Chase eyeshadow in the inner corner, and some Elise235 Lashes with a bit more liquid liner.

You guys always reprimand me for having crappy full faced shots xD I know, I know. It is really hard for me to take full faced shots with my camera because it is so heavy! The super HD quality also emphasizes all of my imperfections, namely my crappy skin/acne scarring that I am still trying to heal up. And I don't like photoshopping pictures, even though it makes them look better. But I am trying to improve this, so here is my attempt at some full face shots with my Canon~ Mind my crappy skin and such. I was in a hurry to do my makeup!

Products Used (Face & Lips)

-Lioele Triple the Solution BB Cream
-MAC Eversun Blush
-MAC 'Stereo Rose' MSF
-Australis Color Inject Lip Gloss 'Disco'

This is the short I wore today~!

I am so happy today! Thank you to all you, my lovely readers and followers. I don't know what I would do without you guys. I hold a very special place for my blog and for all of you within my heart. So, thank you! From the very bottom of my heart ♥ 
Have a lovely weekend!


  1. You do an amazing job of winging liner. I need more practice by far.

  2. Love the look, love the shirt and love the full face pic!! Star Wars rocks, big time!!

    1. Thank you <3
      I love Star Wars, is it obvious xD

  3. Ahhh so pretty! I love blues on brown eyes <3 I don't know how I missed seeing this on May the Fourth (be with you) :P

  4. May the Fourth Be With You(even though it's late:) ) I love your shirt!


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