
Monday, May 7, 2012

Top 5: Limited Edtion MAC Blushes

One of my favorite things from MAC, and in my opinion one of their best quality products, is their blushes. I already made my Top 5 easy to find Pink Blushes in which I included two permanent colors from MAC. But my absolutely favorite blushes from MAC are all limited edition, unfortunately. Although I don't buy as much MAC I used to, I still think these are amazing products!

1. Stark Naked
This is my favorite MAC blush of all time. Found it at a CCO ago a while ago. Many people like to say that NARS Sin is a dupe, but I still think Stark Naked is much prettier~ Hope they repromote this soon!

2. Spaced Out
Also found at a CCO. This is such a unique blush. It is orange/coral, but it has a pink shift which makes it marvelous!!!

3. Azalea Blossom Ombre
This was repromoted not too long ago. It is one of my favorite blushes because it is purple!!!!

4. Hipness Blush
This is a very bright coral/reddish shade. I have nothing like it. It is perfect for a flushed cheek look and it looks amazing in combo with a sheer red lip. 

5. Oh So Fair Beauty Powder 
This was from the Disney collection and I love this so much. It is not too sheer and I can use it as a blush. It is a pale peachy pink that looks really great on my skin tone. The closest dupe I have to this is NYX Peach blush.

                     Do you own any of these blushes? Or do you wish MAC would repromote these?


  1. I love Azalea Blossom! Did you pick up Vibrant Grape? That's my favorite purple blush, personally (and I think it was in the same collection? It was an ombre, in any case).

    Tangentially, I want NARS Sin now. Time for a shopping trip. xD

  2. Stark (is it weird that I think of Tony Stark when I read that word? lol) Naked and Spaced Out look so lovely! I haven't been to a CCO in a while but it would be so great if they were available in mine...
    I own Hipness and love it! I feel like it gives me this pretty flush. I don't own Azalea Blossom but I do have Vintage Grape and it's such a beautiful color; I think you would love it. ;)

  3. I still kick myself every now and then over not getting Azalea Blossom. It is so beautiful.

  4. I don't think of myself as being dark (hello, NC25!) but I simply cannot get Azalea Blossom to show up on me! Another disappointment - MSF Icescapade also doesn't show on my skin!

  5. The Azalea Blossom Ombre is so beautiful <3<3

  6. Stark Naked and Spaced out is super gorgeous - I wish I could buy these!!

  7. wow amazing LE collection!!! i love MAC blushes but i hate how all the most awesome ones are always LE. evil MAC hahahaha


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