
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Diablo III Series: Cydaea, Maiden of Lust

Greetings from the Dark Side ^_^

After asking you guys on my giveaway what makeup series you would like to see, many of you said Diablo! Which is funny because I had already been thinking of it, but you all gave me the push I needed to actually go ahead and do it. The one character who caught my eye was Cydaea, one of Azmodan's (the Lord of Sin) lieutenants. She is known as the Maiden of Lust, and previously known as the Mistress of Pain. She is a seductive and grotesque creature with the upper body of a woman and the lower body of a spider. During Act III, she continuously taunts the player up until the players faces her in a boss battle. What caught my eye was how she was both vile and beautiful.

 From the picture of her, you can hopefully see that she has a messy smokey eye. See has what seems to be tear smudges going down her eyes (almost like if she was crying). Her eyes are covered with a veil. Her skin is a greenish-blue color and she has dark colored lips. I took inspiration from the makeup she is wearing, but I did NOT recreate her look. I would like to recreate her whole look though. It would be really fun to do.

The eye look itself was very messy, smudgy, and dark. From far, it looks much better. 

Products Used

-MAC Cream Color Base 'Bat Black'
-Wet n Wild 'Lust' Palette
-Urban Decay 24/7 pencil liner 'Perversion'
-Prestige My Biggest Lashes mascara
-Illamasqua 'Bedaub' Cream Pigment (I applied some of this minty color on the brown bone to mimick her green-tinted skin)
-Revlon Colorstay Whipped Foundation
-Sugarpill Tako (to powder face to add a white cast)
-Lime Crime 'Styletto'
-MAC 'Blackwire' lip gloss

Cydaea: Maiden of Lust

And then my camera I took some pictures with my phone. Seriously what is up with my hair?! It never cooperates D:

 You can also do this look without the tear stain things.

 I hope you guys like it~ I would totally wear this out. I have no problem wearing a black lip or wearing a smokey eye with the dark lips. I am seriously in love with black lipstick right now xD

Do you have any suggestions for characters from Diablo III? I already have some in mind, but I would love to hear your thoughts :)

Thank you for reading! Have a wonderful day ♥


  1. I hated her! I'm on a massive Diablo kick at the moment and love this tutorial!

    Sharleena xx

  2. I like the creepy greenish color under your brow !! :p very cool look =)

    xxx Vee

  3. Awesome! The boyfriend and I have been playing D3 like nobodies business lately. It's such a fun game. ^_^

  4. I love this! I think I will definitely wear this out without the tear smudges. And great purple nail polish too!


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