
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Review: KKCenterhk Elise #154 Lashes


Before I get into the review, I just wanted to give you guys a little update. I am technically done with my finals, but I have to write one final term paper that is due next week. I should be back to my daily blogging after I finish that :) I am very much looking forward to having nothing to do this summer xD Just kidding, I have a lot of stuff to do! Mainly going to Warped Tour this month in San Francisco~ Woot! But anyways, I digress. To the lashes!

The Elise #154 lashes are these lashes with thin gold-threaded fabric. They are really cool! I have never owned any lashes like these!

Price and Availability

$5.05 for one pair on the KKCenterhk website.

Product in Action


I don't know what it is about the design of these lashes, but I just think they look so cool! They aren't the most wearable lashes, but they are great for a dramatic or costume look. The lashes are not very heavy, and I think they are light enough to wear for a long period of time. The fabric of the lashes is veeeeery thin, and they seem like they are very easy to rip but I was very careful when I applied them.
I would recommend these for a costume or a very dramatic lash look, especially because I only got 3 uses of these before I accidentally ripped the fabric on one of the lashes; therefore they are not very practical. 

Rating: 8/10

*Products mentioned were provided for review and consideration. I was not compensated for this post and all opinions stated are my own.


  1. These are so cool! Definitely something I would use to spice up a look for a special event. Ahh!

    Sharleena xx

  2. I think these lashes really suit your look! I love how dramatic they are, too bad they rip easily though!

  3. w00ts! These are crazy, but i think they'd be great for dressing up or a party. :D

  4. Just wanted to say you have agreat blog and I'm a new follower, I hope you will check out my blog Have a great weekend :)

  5. These lashes certainly are different, but they look pretty edgy. :)

  6. The eyelashes look simply gorgeous!! Loved your eyemakeup as well. The two go well together! :)


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