
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Oh my! Over 1000 Followers!

Oh my! I awoke to over 1000 followers! Thank you all so much! I would have never imagined that my blog would go this far. I started my blog out of sheer boredom and because I was completely obsessed with makeup. None of this would be possible without all of you ♥ I appreciate every single of you my readers, and every single comment is received with much love.  Thank you, thank you, thank you! ♥ I don't know what I would do without all of you! You bring an extra dose of sunshine into my life!

Of course, I will behaving a 1000 follower giveaway! I want it to be huge!
I am still figuring that out. So I will update you guys on that when I have the giveaway prizes :D

Thank you all for being part of the Dark Side :)



  1. Aw Congrats Nancy! You totally deserve it! :)

  2. I just love this blog post its really very much fascinating, love it.

  3. Congratulations that's great =) You totally deserve that many people liking your posts, you have a great blog =)

    xxx Vee

  4. Congrats to 1000 followers :) Keep it up!

  5. Congrats on reaching over 1000 followers Nancy. You know I'm a major fan of yours! ;)

  6. Grats, though not surprised, you're an awesome blogger. :)

  7. Congratulations! It's well deserved.


Thank you for taking the time to comment <3 I appreciate every single comment I receive ^_^