
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ladurée Les Merveilleuses

Hey everyone!!

I have something really awesome to show you. I've been wanting to post this for a long time now, but I completely forgot! This is a really amazing gift from an amazing friend of mine from Japan. He was so sweet to pick these two things up for me after I complained to him how Japan is so lucky to have Ladurée makeup, a super gorgeous makeup brand. I was so surprised to find a package at my door with two fantastic Limited Edition Ladurée makeup items. These two items are from the Ladurée Fall release and I was lemming them~ I swear friends can be mind readers!

Les Merveilleuses de Laduree Eye Color Palette #002 Autumn Dream 

Here is the case plus the colors. The case comes with a small brush and a mirror.

 Here is the actual color palette. It is separate from the case.

Les Merveilleuses de Laduree Pressed Cheek Color Limited #001

The case of the cheek colors is beautiful!

The case comes with a mirror.

 This vase also comes with a second compartment with a small brush.

 And here is the actual cheek color. Like the eye palette, the cheek color is a refill that comes separate from the actual case. I love the cameo print on the cheek color!


This is an expensive but really gorgeous brand. The packaging is much cheaper than I expected, since it is plastic and very lightweight. The one thing that I wish was different is that the packaging was better made and that is were heavier. For the super expensive price, this should be better made. Overall though, I am very pleased! The colors are amazing and have great textures and pigmentation. Again, I want to give Ryo, my friend, a huge thanks! ♥


  1. Wow, you're very lucky for have this friend :) Amazing make up! I love it!

    My blog -> Marie loves heels

  2. youre so lucky!

    i want to try laduree, but it's too pricey for me, maybe later ;)

  3. Aww, how sweet of your friend! The packaging is so pretty, too bad it feels cheap. But the colors are pigmented like whoa. :D

  4. WOW! These look sooo beautiful!

  5. The blush is so pretty! :O And here I was thinking that Laduree only made macarons.... ^^;;

  6. Wow, what a nice friend! These are so pretty, and I especially love the cameo impression and the red eyeshadow :)


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