
Thursday, October 18, 2012

First Impression: Lioele Super Gold Snail BB Cream

Ah, BB creams! Aren't they truly amazing? I got hooked on BB creams about a year and a half ago, and I have not looked back ever since. It is notable that western brands are now releasing their own BB creams, which honestly do not even begin to compare to Asian BB creams. In the spirit of celebrating the awesomeness that is BB creams, I want to share my thoughts on this recently aquiredone, the Lioele Super Gold Snail BB cream!

I am not even going to pretend that I know what the whole "snail bb cream" thing is all about, but I've seen a lot of Asian brands come out with "snail this-or-that" products. It is the new craze in the BB cream world, and it is quite frankly really intriguing and just a little gross.

The gist of it is that this BB cream contains snail secretion filtrate, which is supposed to be very moisturizing and act as a protective layer on the skin to retain moisture. Whether it actually does that, I can't really say just yet.

The first thing that I noticed with this BB cream is the packaging. Comparing it to other Lioele products, I quite like this one. It isn't the color, but the design of the bottle that I really like. It is sleek and practical. I did have a little bit of an issue with the pump when I first opened it. It took a couple of minutes to get the pump to work properly.

 I expected it to have a weird smell because of the snail secretion filament thing, but it doesn't. It does have a smell, but it is subtle and more herbal scented than snail scented xD

I have the color 01 Natural Beige, and like the name suggests, it is definitely more beige than yellow. I didn't find that to be a problem with my skin since I have a rather neutral skin tone. Unless your skin is very, very yellow, or very, very pink, then I think you should be okay with this undertone. For reference, I would use MAC NC20/25, and for most other high end brands, I tend to wear the second lightest shade in the range. In drugstore foundations, I usually use the lightest shade available. If you are slightly lighter or slightly darker than me, you should be able to wear this color.

The texture of this is like a mix between a foundation and tinted moisturizer. If you have never used a BB cream before, then the texture might be weird to you. It feels like a very moisturizing face cream and it blends in beautifully! From wearing it once, I would recommend it to people who have dry-combo skin. If on the other hand you have oily skin, I think it would be best to stay away from this one or to use it with powder. If you do have oily skin, this might be a good option for winter time since your skin might be drier during the cold months.

I wore this all day today without powder and I did get a little shiny around my nose (mostly due to the fact that it was about 90 degrees F!) but aside from that, it looked really fantastic! The Lioele Triple the Solution BB cream has slightly better coverage and a longer wear, but I think this BB cream looks so much better on my skin. It just makes my skin glow! I don't know if this is because my skin has been doing a lot better recently, but this BB cream just looks really great!

I want you to compare the following two photos so you can reach your own conclusion. In the first, I am wearing the YSL Teint Resist; it was taken yesterday. The one below that I am wearing the Lioele Super Gold Snail BB cream and the photo was taken today. Both were taken in the same lighting, at the same time in the afternoon. I am not wearing concealer or powder in either of them. So, what do you think? I personally think that the BB cream is much more flattering and just looks so much better!

YSL Teint Resist
Lioele Super Gold Snail BB Cream

This was a terribly long first impressions~! Of course, I will keep using this and compare it more to my other BB creams and foundations :) Hope you enjoyed and see you next time!

You can find this on and 
you can get 15% off your entire order with the coupon code "darksideofbeauty".

*Product mentioned in this post was proving for review. All opinions stated are my own.


  1. Love this first impressions. Do you have any recommendations for a good longwearing bb cream that is pretty cheap but would cover up redness really well? I have terrible redness in my skin that can be hard to cover up. :(

    1. Hi Tricia, thanks for your comment :) There are so many options when it comes to BB creams. But, if you are looking for a long lasting one, I would recommend the Lioele Triple the Solution BB cream. That one has a heavier coverage, but it is long lasting. You should also consider your skin type. If you have dry skin, really any BB cream could do the trick. I do not recommend the Skin79 Oriental Gold or the Lioele Orange Label BB creams because they are not long lasting what-so-ever!
      You can always go on eBay or to and buy samples that are about $1.99 for three small samples if you want to try a BB cream without a big investment :) The best advice I can give you is to just look for reviews and see which BB creams sounds like the best for your skin concerns and skin type.

  2. This BB Cream looks great on you! It's a surprise how it fares better than the YSL one judging from your pictures :)

    1. It does. It is much more noticeable in person!

  3. I have to agree, the BB cream looks fresh and your complexion just looks a tad better :D

  4. This looks great! I don't really want to think about the snail bit, tho

    1. Haha it is weird. I'm not sure how that works.

  5. Yes, I think the BB cream actually looks better than the YSL! :O And i have to admit, the gold packaging for the Lioele BB cream is pretty gorgeous and elegant. :D

  6. No matter how good a foundation is, it always looks cakey to me. I love BB cream, and I almost never wear foundations anymore, plus over time bb's seem to make my skin nicer, too.

    1. I wore BB cream exclusively for a while. I got back into foundations, and using a BB cream again I can see why I stopped using foundations in the first place!

  7. I think this looks great on you! I love BB creams, I think I have seven now - and you're right, the asian ones are a lot better than the american ones!

    1. 7! Nice!
      Yeah definitely. American ones are more like tinted moisturizes and they don't even have the benefits that BB creams do.


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