
Monday, November 26, 2012

First Impression: Illamasqua Mystery Box


As many of you wanted to see a post on the Illamasqua Mystery Box, I decided to go ahead and do a First Impression post about it. This box is available on Sephora for $60. It comes with 10 full sized products, including Fable Lipstick and Jo'mina nail varnish. The other 8 products are random. Although you will know that you will get 1 cream blush, one more lipstick, one liquid metal, one cream eyeshadow, two medium pencils, one sheer lip gloss, and one intense lip gloss.

This is such an amazing deal! Although, I was afraid to get it because I already own numerous Illamasqua products and I didn't want to get repeats. I did end up with one repeat, the Enrapture Liquid Metal. I will be giving this away, but more on that later~

Here is my box and what I received in the Mystery Selection.

Lip and Cheek Products


Eye Products


First Impression
I was mildly surprised by how much I liked the products I received in the box. I saw plenty of Youtube reviews for this box and some people were really unhappy with it. I, though, really love the cream blush, the lipsticks, the medium pencils, and the lip glosses. The cream eyeshadow is a nice neutral shade and it contrasts nicely with the bright blush and lip colors. 

The product I am the most excited about it the Severe Medium Pencil. The pencils are of superb quality, and I can't believe I had not tried them yet! Best thing is that you can use them for both lips, eyes, and face! Severe will make a gorgeous lip liner and eye liner.

Was this worth the $60? For me, heck yes! $60 for 9 new products for me an one product to give away to you guys? That is a greeeeat deal!
I would recommend this more for people who don't have any or very little Illamasqua products since you won't have the problem of getting doubles of one product like me. 


  1. They are all beautiful, I loved the gray medium pencil <3
    see you around darling ;)

    1. :D Thanks! I will look forward to using the grey pencil~

  2. Wow this is an AWESOME deal! The pinky lipstick is GORGEOUS!

    1. Yes! I will try to review the lippie on its own too :D

  3. That's amazing!! I loved all the lip stuff u got!!

  4. ah!! i immediately went to the Sephora site to see if i can get this in Canada. and yes! it looks like i can!!
    this definitely looks like a great deal :) all the colors are so very vivid! especially that cream blush! seems like it will last ages since i would probably only use a tiny bit each time
    thanks for the post!

    1. Yes, the blushes are SUPER pigmented! They will last you forever.

  5. wow this really is a great deal!!! and everything is so pretty. super pigmented!!! i really love the cream shadows.

  6. I like the ones from your first hand swatch! The colours are all so pretty! :D

  7. What an amazing selection of goodies! Such gorgeous colours, Enrapture is such a beautiful shade as are all the lip products. I'm very jealous! xx

  8. OH MY GOD!!! I WANT IT!!! OMG!!!!

  9. You look like you got a good selection! I got the UK version of the mystery box, and it was ok, mostly random, unwearable colours :\

    1. Aw really? That sucks! I was very worried about that too since I saw other's reviews for this. Luckily, I got some pretty goof things.

  10. Wow!its looking great these all colours so beautiful and attractiive.I am a reader and interest such a great beauty product so i found similar collection.

  11. LOOOL~ I swear Angela you crack me up!
    But yeah right? It is an amazing bargain!


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