
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Indie Haul: Pumpkin & Poppy and Mon Ennui

 Greetings my Dark Siders,

Yes, it is haul time! I was doing really great at not buying any stuff during October, but I broke down and I went on a little indie makeup shopping spree. Indie makeup is by far my favorite type of makeup. It tends to be much more affordable than any other type of makeup and you can find some great and unique products! Most indie brands are also cruelty free, vegan, and handmade. And added plus is that you can support smaller businesses and have a much more friendly shopping experience! If you have not tried any indie makeup brands, I highly recommend that you do :D

                                                       Pumpkin & Poppy - One Ring Collection                           
Here is a little fact about me: I am a huge Lord of the Rings nerd! Not just LotR, I love everything written by J.R.R. Tolkien. When I heard of this collection by the brand Pumpkin & Poppy, I knew I had to get it. It is also a great opportunity to try out a new brand. The collection comes with five loose eyeshadows, two cream eyeshadows, one cream highlighter, one lipstick, and one solid perfume. Swatches and review will be coming soon :D I can say right now that P&P did a really amazing job at capturing the color inspirations from LotR!

powder eyeshadows
cream eyeshadows
cream highlighter
Solid perfume

                                                                          Mon Ennui Cosmetics                                                  
Mon Ennui recently had a Halloween sale and I took the opportunity to try out their products. I have never tried Mon Ennui before, but I was very curious to try them out for myself. I was especially drawn to their Doctor Who inspired eyeshadows (TARDIS and Dalek). Wow this post is just incredibly nerdy! I also ended up getting Tequila Sunrise and Mangosteen Dragon, both of which are orange colors. I am exited to try them out!

I will definitely have some review posts and looks with these new products =3 
Be a little patient with me! I have not felt well for the past week and I have been really busy with midterms. I will try to get some of these up ASAP!


  1. The logo/sticker looks darling! Indie indeed. :D
    Hope you get better soon! :)

    1. I love the stickers too! The White Tree of Gondor! <3

  2. omgawdddddd! i love love love love LOTR! i immediately clicked on the link and it's too bad that she doesn't sell all of the items separately since the whole collection is a bit pricey for me right now. the stickers look so pretty too. very excited about your swatches!

    what i am also very excited about... THE HOBBIT!! :)

    1. OMG YES! I am so watching it during the midnight premiere!!! I believe she also seels her products through artfire, so you can see if she has them there :D

    2. thank you for reminding me to check for tickets!!! i just checked and there are still plenty of seats available but we do not have a midnight showing! instead it is at 10 pm (i am guessing it is because of the 3 hr running time?)
      and thanks for the link too! if it's possible, i'd like to hear your thoughts on the Evenstar and Lady of Light before making my order.

    3. No problem =3

      I've only used them a handful of times, but I definitely really like them a lot. The highlighter especially is beautiful~ Evenstar is a little trickier. I like the smell and texture, but the color is very different from what I am used to. I actually love the color but it is difficult to say whether you would like it or not.I used both in my recent P&P tutorial though so you can check that out and see what you think of them. I will be including them in my other upcoming tutorials and I will certainly try to review them as quickly as I can!

  3. Yay another Doctor Who fan :) I need those pigments! Lovely post :) Leo xx

    1. :D Woot~!
      Yeah! I just love that they are DW inspired!

  4. Ooh, I've been wondering about Pumpkin & Poppy, looking forward to your review!

    1. :D Yay! Glad I could help some people out by reviewing them~

  5. Oh these look awesome! I can't wait until you get your reviews up ;-)


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