
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Project No-Buy: Week 3

Greetings from the Dark Side!
And welcome to the round up for Week 3 of my No-Buy!
Week 3 (January  21-27) actually has not been challenging at all. I did buy a few eyeliners, but other than that I have not been tempted to buy any makeup. I'd say my No-Buy is going fairly well :D

Also if you are new to my No-Buy, please check out my past posts:
                                                               Week 2's Purchases                                                                    
Money is Makeup Bank before Week 3 = $28.26
 Total Money in Makeup Bank after Purchases = $10.66

                                                                Week 2's Rewards                                                                     
 1) Weekly goals: 
Goal #1: Drink more water. I am so bad at drinking water, so I must at least drink 64 oz of water a day, everyday for Week 3. 
[COMPLETED!] I managed to drink a lot of water everyday for this past week. I had a 25 oz bottle of water with me at all times. I think I am actually getting used to drinking more water even though it has only been one week! (+$5)
Goal #2: Like in Week 2, I must post at least one blog post a day for the 7 days of Week 3. I must post at least 2 makeup looks, 2 nail polish posts, 1 product post, and 1 post on the foundations I currently own. 
[COMPLETED!] I was able to post everyday of the week. I did have at least 2 makeup look, 2 nail polish posts, 1 product post, and a post on the foundations I currently own. (+$5)

2) Grades: 
This week I received a grade for my first essay assignment. My grade was a B. I would want to show you my grade if I had an actual paper but I received the grading through an electronic notification. (+10)
3) Reading: 
This week I read: 
-The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier, 263 pages (+7)
4)Language Learning:
I totally forgot about this challenge this week, again :( 

None (+0)

 6) Self-Control:
Although I bought four makeup items this week, I stayed within my budget. :) Woohoo!

TOTAL REWARD MONEY EARNED WEEK 3: $10.66+$5+$5+$10+$7= $37.66

                                                                    Week 3: Weekly Goals                                                        
These two goals are my weekly goals for next week. These two goals must be completed by next Sunday in order for me to earn reward money.
Goal #1: For week 4, I must create at least one look for my geeky makeup series (Zelda, Diablo 3, WoW, or Game of Thrones).
Goal #2: I must organize at least past of my makeup collection, because it is a complete mess at the moment. 


  1. I love your lil goals you set yourself, what a great idea!

  2. Awesome job! Good luck for the next week, work hard ^_^

  3. I absolutely love this idea Nancy! Such a great way to get through your goals!
    And good for you! You're doing so well! :)

  4. Great job! Are you excited for 3/31/13 when Game of Thrones comes back?! I can't wait.

  5. Oh wow, well done. I've been seeing all the no-buys and thinking of starting one myself in February, I may have to steal your idea for this (with credit of course) if that's okay? I don't think I could manage a proper 100 day no-spend either!

    1. Of course! Go ahead =3 You can always tweek it to your liking~!

  6. good job!!! what a great little system. sounds fun :D

  7. Well I managed a year of no buying any clothing, beauty items or accessories. It gets easier I promise!

    Daisy Dayz
    In Pursuit of an Online Income


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