
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Swatches: Shiro Cosmetics There And Back Again Collection

Greetings from the Dark Side!~

Today I have some super exciting swatches to share with you!This is the entire Shiro Cosmetics There And Back Again collection inspired by The Hobbit. I LOVE The Hobbit and everything else written by J.R.R. Tolkien. And if you are wondering why I have this even though I am on a No-Buy, and that is because this was a present from my dear mother =3 She was so sweet and offered to buy it for me! Anyways, enjoy ♥

P.S. The artwork stickers for this collection are so freaking cute!!!
[WARNING: Many, many photos!]

There are so many colors to chose from! A really well-done collection~!

Thank you for reading! Until Next time!


  1. OMG I want them all!!!! All the colors are so pretty!

    1. I know! I couldn't choose either so I just had to have the entire collection!

  2. OMG So cute!!! The colors are gorgeous~ <3

    I was wondering if the are the Full Size Jars or Mini Jars?

  3. OMG!!! The color selection are gorgeous~!!! <3

    I was wondering if these are the Full Size Jars or the Mini Jars? Do they both come with the stickers?

    I so look forward to seeing EOTD or tutorials starring these shades!

    1. These are the full size. Usually I buy the mini jars and buy the stickers separately because the mini jars don't come with stickers. But I am not sure how that works for this collection since all the stickers are different. I know for example that the Fullmetal collection the stickers were only with the full size jars and that the stickers were not sold separately. As far as I know it is the same with this collection.

  4. Just wanted to say that 'Farewell, Wherever You Fare', 'A Regular Bears' Meeting', 'When the Thrush Knocks', 'King Under the Mountain', & 'War of Five Armies' are Lip-safe!

    Yay <3 'When the Thrush Knocks' & 'War of Five Armies' are the two colors I so want as a lip color - might purchase those two just for that! Why couldn't 'The Last Homely House' have been lip-safe too :(

    1. Oooh that is a good idea :D
      I have never made lip colors from my Shiro eyeshadows, but maybe I should try it!

  5. These are utterly stunning. I can't wait to see the looks you create with them! Xx

    1. I am excited too do some eye looks as well :D

  6. My god! These are so beautiful! I want this so bad :/

    1. Tell me about it. When I saw the swatches, I wanted all of them!

  7. My god! Please do a giveaway with these! They are gorgeous!

    1. I just might! Although I don't know how I would go about doing that...I would either have to order again from Shiro or just get a gift certificate from Shiro and the winner can buy whatever they want from the website!

  8. I love Shiro Cosmetics and I was super excited by the new collection because I'm a big fan of the Hobbit too !
    The swatches you make are so awesome, I just want all the colors :D

    At first, I was hesitant to by the entiere (?) collection but you convinced me ! :D "Lingered in Twillight" and "When the Trush Knocks" are soooo beautiful!

    I can wait to see the make-up(s?) you will make with all those pretty colors !

    (Sorry if I've made mistakes, I'm french and not so great in english conjugation ^^")

    1. Thanks!

      I will do my best to use all the colors in upcoming looks :) I am especially excited to use Lingered in Twilight!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. ASDFGHJKL OMG All the colours are so pretty! And the art is really super cute! :3

  11. Those are freaking amazing.

  12. omg this post is not good for my wallet ^^

  13. SO PRETTY!
    I want them all INDEED!

    1. I was exactly the same. I couldn't settle with only part of this collection!

  14. Wow these are so pretty! I love, love, love the way Kind Under the Mountain looks!!

  15. They do ship internationally so you can definitely order from the Shiro website :D

  16. The envy...oh mi gosh the envy.... WHY OH WHY AM I ON A NO BUY!
    This looks like such an amazing collection <3

    1. I had the same dilemma! I was freaking out. If my mom wouldn't have bought it for me I would have been super sad!

  17. I am a big fan of the Hobbit book and also watched the movie which was fantastic. Definitely this will be in my shopping list when I get my paycheck.

  18. Lingered in Twilight is EVERYTHING.

    And I normally only buy mini-jars, but I'll have to spring for the full sizes for some of these.
    The stickers are just too cute to ignore.

  19. this post is what started my obsession with Shiro Cosmetics. I love her stuff and your swatches were super helpful for helping me decide which colors to buy!

  20. This post is literally what started my obsession with Shiro Cosmetics. I was looking for swatches to decide which one from this collection to buy and I've been obsessed with both Shiro and your blog since. I just normally don't comment!


Thank you for taking the time to comment <3 I appreciate every single comment I receive ^_^