
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Project No Buy Update: Week 7

Greetings from the Dark Side!
And welcome to the round up for Week 7 of my No-Buy!
Week 7 (February 18 - February 24) has been challenging because of many recent tempting collections and shopping trips. Let's see how I did!

If you are new to my No-Buy, please check out my past posts:
-Week 4 Round Up 
-Week 5 Round Up
-Week 6 Roundup

                                                              Week 7's Purchases                                                                   
For my weekly haul (with swatches and first impressions), go HERE
Money is Makeup Bank before Week 7: $64.81
1. Pumpkin & Poppy Collection (-$48)
2. Sinful Colors Nail Polishes (-$4)
3. Real Techniques Brush Set ($-0) ---> I am exempting this purchase because I don't own many brushes and because I NEVER get to go to ULTA and I would not be able to buy them in person otherwise.
 Total Money in Makeup Bank after Purchases =  $12.81
                                                               Week 7's Rewards                                                                    
1) Weekly goals: 

Goal #1: (uncompleted from Week 6) I must make at least two book reviews on my literature blog, The Library of Babel
[Failed!...Again] I have had no time to do this :(
Goal #2: I have to post three makeup looks during Week 7, at least one has to be a geeky makeup look.
[Completed!] Yay I made 3 makeup posts, one being the Diablo III:Demon Hunter look :) (+5)
 2) Grades: 
I had one assignment graded this week:
-ENL183 Essay, 88% B+ (+10)
3) Reading: 
This week I read: 
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, 230 pages (+7)
Charlotte's Web by E.B. White, 184 pages (+5)
Imaginary Girls by Nova Rem Suma, 386 pages (+7)
Where Things Come Back by John Corey Whale, 228 pages (+7)
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, 313 pages (+7)
Uses For Boys by Erica Lorraine, 227 pages (+7)
4)Language Learning:
This is a little different, and really nerdy. I am learning the Tengwar script. If you do not know what Tengwar is, it is basically an script invented by J.R.R. Tolkien and is used to write many of the Elven languages. But you can also use it to write English. I am learning to write it and read it ;D I know, super nerdy. But I've always wanted to learn it! So far, I've learned half of the script. 
I have six empties this week! Woo Hoo! I don't want to make this post super cluttered though, so I promise I will make an empties post tomorrow with mini reviews :)  (+6)

 6) Self-Control: Kept withing budget~!

TOTAL REWARD MONEY EARNED WEEK 6: $12.81+10+5+7+5+7+7+7+7+5+6= $78.81 

                                                                   Week 8: Weekly Goals                                                         
These two goals are my weekly goals for next week. These two goals must be completed by next Sunday in order for me to earn reward money.
Goal #1: I will make a post about my hair care and hair style (I've received a lot of requests for this post).
Goal #2: I will eat healthier this week. I've been eating horribly these past two weeks, so I really need to eat healthier.


  1. you read the fault in our stars! I am a huge john green fan! Can't wait for your hair style post!

    1. Yes! OMG I am too! His novels are awesome. I just love to watch his videos on Youtube!

  2. WOW! You read A LOT! I thought I read but....dang, you go girl! This has been my first week on my no-buy and I am floundering! LOL. Mostly just keep finding things I want and remembering I can't buy them. :-/ And trying to do my goals...I think next week will be better, but this first week, ugh! haha.

  3. You pushed me to want to start this. However, I might have to wait til next week because I'm buying a few things I've been dying for this week as well as the new OPI collection comes out this coming week I believe. haha. So, Next week. I'll be joining you!

  4. How was "Uses For Boys" by Erica Lorraine? Never heard of it but that title sounds funny (:


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